Example sentences of "that israel " in BNC.

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1 That is the most obvious explanation for the apparent keenness of Mr Arens and Mr Shamir to consider Washington 's proposal that Israel , the US and Egypt should hold consultations on the composition of any Palestinian delegation for talks with Israel .
2 ‘ The problem is that Israel wants to choose both teams on the football field , ’ a diplomat said .
3 In Jerusalem , a foreign ministry spokesman said : ‘ One of our basic principles is that Israel will not agree to any move that will bring direct or indirect contact with the PLO . ’
4 With the Berlin Wall , the most famous barrier of all , falling , the more media-conscious activists among the Soviet Jews already here are warning that Israel is just not prepared for the influx .
5 It is not impossible , if he fails in the Gulf , to make progress on Palestine , where the Arab uprising of the past three years has made it clear that Israel can no longer maintain a decent stewardship of the occupied territories .
6 He would like to rig the conference so that Israel goes on trial , with America as its attorney and the United Nations as judge and executioner .
7 He also believes that Israel , and the Soviet Union , are among the countries that could be addressed by a joint Euro-foreign-policy .
8 They are afraid , too , that Israel might expand into the space left by Iraq 's collapse .
9 If there were an Iraqi missile strike so serious that Israel felt it had to retaliate , an air corridor would have to be cleared by the American command in Saudi Arabia to allow the Israeli raid .
10 The rabbi explains the custom by saying that Israel 's cup of joy can not be full if her triumph involves suffering , even for her enemies .
11 ‘ Does anyone really believe that Israel will sit down with someone who was convicted or involved directly in violence against Jews ? ’ he asked .
12 The ease with which this theft was carried out and the incompetent way in which it was investigated makes one wonder if America is not secretly pleased that Israel has become a nuclear power in the Middle East so that it can act as tripwire in any conflict .
13 When I went there in 1987 , after my journey to Auschwitz , it seemed somehow facile , an instrument of propaganda that used the horror of what happened in Auschwitz and Treblinka and all the other camps to justify not just the existence of Israel but all that Israel has done since .
14 The idea that Israel is the final and true refuge of all Jews — ‘ the first and last line of defence of the Jewish people ’ , as Szymon Datner called it — is as credible to Israelis today as it was in 1948 .
15 As Eisenhower stated in 1953 ‘ The United States should … make clear that Israel will not , merely because of its Jewish population , receive preferential treatment over any Arab state … our policy toward Israel is limited to assisting Israel in becoming a viable state living in amity with the Arab states , and … our interest in the wellbeing of each of the Arab states corresponds substantially with our interest in Israel . ’
16 In an attempt to change the balance , Egypt embarked upon a war of attrition , on the assumption that Israel could tolerate casualties less than Egypt .
17 Indeed , it had supported Israel in its wars of 1967 and 1982 in the belief that Israel could create a situation in which a peace settlement that met American and Israeli interests would be possible .
18 The fact is that Israel , the Arab states , including the new State of Palestine , the United States and the Soviet Union have different interpretations .
19 Nor did it demand that Israel , like the PLO , abandon the use of violence in its treatment of enemy civilians either inside or beyond the territories under its control .
20 Egypt had already secretly proposed that Israel should set up a Palestine Liberation Committee to pursue a solution to the refugee problem in the form of a small Palestinian state in the Arab-held parts of Palestine .
21 A refugee delegation had proposed to Eliahu Sasson , the head of the Israeli Foreign Ministry 's Middle East Department at Lausanne , that Israel should annex the Gaza Strip and also the area subsequently known as the West Bank , while granting these areas local autonomy and absorbing another 100,000 refugees from surrounding Arab countries .
22 The Israeli representative at Lausanne knew this position , for a Ramallah delegate had proposed that Israel should agree to the repatriation of 400,000 refugees ‘ who would live in peace with Israel and act as a ‘ peace bridge' ’ between Israel and the Arab states ' .
23 To a growing number of health professionals it was self-evident that Israel 's priority was the application of a system which ensured dependence and control rather than the good health of the community .
24 By the time that Israel became part of the Roman empire , the idea was already widespread among the various religious sects that the ‘ End of the World ’ was at hand , although it was only for the Essenes of Qumran that this belief assumed a definite form ; that , whereas the First Judgement at the time of Noah had been destruction by water , the Last Judgement would be destruction by fire .
25 The US was firmly even-handed , or frozen on the fence , firmness in another direction came from Begin who , in answer to reports that Israel was poised to attack in Lebanon , said there would be no war .
26 While there may be Arab people who honestly desire peace , the world must realise that Israel only survives by putting fear into its enemies .
27 It would also transform the created order , resulting in geological changes bringing about a favourable climate and fertility of the soil , so that Israel surpassed her early reputation of being a land of ‘ milk and honey ’ ( Isa. 11:6–9 ; 32:14–20 ; 38:1f ; Zech. 14:3f ; Amos 9:13 ) .
28 The structures of the Pentateuch were good but a stable and wealthy economic society could only flourish to the extent that Israel was obedient to the whole of the law and its commandment .
29 But Mellor stood by his claims that Israel was responsible for the Middle East stalemate .
30 The State Department appears to have been riven between ‘ Arabists ’ and the few analysts who , like Mr Teicher , considered that Israel might prove at least as valuable a strategic ally as Iran , Iraq or Saudi Arabia .
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