Example sentences of "that either " in BNC.

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1 There were no teas being served and , anyway , everybody in Little Tuckett knew that either Mrs Clancy or Mrs Feather always won the Cake Competition .
2 Rolls-Royce wrote personally to all its employees yesterday claiming that either a strike or a cut to a 35-hour week would be ‘ disastrous ’ for the company .
3 This ( comment ) just goes to show that either the Chinese leadership is totally insensitive to the feelings here or they do n't care what happens anymore . ’
4 Punchline ( PG RCA/Col 20 Oct ) fails to convince that either Tom Hanks or Sally Field , who idolises but wo n't love him , are natural stand-up comedians , and the general standard of jokes is pretty thin all round .
5 Now , when you find management — the representatives of enterprise and risk capital — standing up in public and saying that they have a responsibility to keep prices stable , or lower them , that individual prices ought to be reported on by a commission , and that profits ought to attract special tax penalties if they exceed a certain level , then it is a sign that either the millennium has arrived or else something is going very seriously wrong indeed .
6 Robert Courtney Edwin Robertson writes : Whenever I answered the telephone in the fifties and sixties and heard the anxious voice at the other end saying ‘ Here is Hartvell ’ ( he never quite managed that English ‘ W ’ ) , I knew that either my deadline for an article was passed or he had some exciting new book for me to review .
7 However , officials working on EC foreign policy co-operation discouraged any suggestion that either a statement or a special meeting to consider Panama was likely in the near future .
8 Robert Courtney Edwin Robertson writes : Whenever I answered the telephone in the fifties and sixties and heard the anxious voice at the other end saying ‘ Here is Hartvell ’ ( he never quite managed that English ‘ W ’ ) , I knew that either my deadline for an article was passed or he had some exciting new book for me to review .
9 You argue that either luck or strength is needed to kill without firearms — yet , in 1989 alone , 3,458 Americans were cut , slashed , or stabbed to death , and another 1,128 were bludgeoned to death .
10 The law is now settled that either intention or recklessness as to the respective conduct elements is sufficient .
11 Mungo was about to ask him why he called it that , but hesitated , certain that either Vic or Emily , or both , would think him over-inquisitive .
12 What actually does happen , in most cases , is that either you do not lose the weight in the first place , or , if you do , it is on a difficult diet and when it finishes you get fat once again .
13 This suggests that either there is some ‘ best ’ code on which all organisms have converged , or that all existing organisms are descended from the same simple ancestor , and that the code has not changed since .
14 It is not a message that either a Conservative or a Labour government would listen to .
15 True , there are no signs that either Mr Major or Mr Kinnock would contemplate a coalition .
16 Today , however , we do not really have a politics of opinion or of action — nothing is proposed that either stirs the blood or excites the mind .
17 I can not imagine that either Shelford or any of the other overseas itinerants would be prepared to live in this country for all but 45 days a year in order to qualify to play .
18 Since the 1990 Budget , parents with a child in a workplace nursery do not pay tax on the value of the care , but women employed by companies that either ‘ buy ’ places at private nurseries or the 60 or so firms such as British Gas , National Power , Debenhams and BMW which issue childcare vouchers ( worth an average £27 a week ) must pay tax on what is treated as a perk .
19 Police sources said that either they were unable to understand him or simply said ‘ no ’ .
20 There has been a steady rise in the number of women returners and ‘ apart from women who do not want to let go of that career , there are all the millions of women faced with the fact that either their income will enormously increase the lifestyle of their family or without that second income they will be very hard pushed to cover the basics .
21 Obviously , individuals that either fail to find enough food for themselves or unwisely and fatally expose themselves to predators tend to die young and to leave few offspring .
22 Now , it is intuitively clear that an individual has the evolutionary option of operating strategies that either maximize individual fitness or provide varying degrees of assistance to relatives .
23 Quite apart from blackmail the New Zealand police had no proof that either Mafart or Prieur had planted the bombs so when the two appeared in court in Auckland on 4 November 1985 the prosecution announced that they had accepted a plea of manslaughter .
24 It presupposes that either this government has all the authority it claims over its population or it has none .
25 Lord Lyons , the British Ambassador in Paris , told the Foreign Office on two separate occasions that ‘ I do not believe that either the Emperor or his Ministers either wish for war or expect it . ’
26 It gave the producers the chance to create some enticingly colourful kaleidoscopes , largely by Lazlo Kovaks ' cinematographic wizardry ; otherwise there was little about the film that either Nicholson , Dern or Strasberg would admit to being proud of .
27 Or it may sit tight in the reasonable hope that either the economic strain proves too great and Syria 's military strength is sapped by political and economic instability , or that Syria will dissipate its strength against its eastern adversary , Iraq .
28 Their father 's name was Theunis Krankoor , and it is probable that either he or his father was the first person to take that name too .
29 The police were convinced that either she 'd had an accident or committed suicide . ’
30 It was originally thought that either coal or nuclear in combination , or coal alone , should be developed to meet 80% of total electricity production by the year 2000 , the remaining 20% being supplied by oil .
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