Example sentences of "[Wh pn] still [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now an acting sergeant , he had a platoon of forty men to prepare for battle , all of whom still came under the overall command of Captain Trentham , who had n't been seen since the day Tommy had been released .
2 Applying environmental laws is up to Spain 's regional governments , most of whom still think of emission standards as how fast building permits are issued .
3 Meet the Corn Traders , who still gather in this Victorian showpiece .
4 Then the horse plunged as Jones shook the reins to get rid of the swaying woman who still hung like a limpet , and Anmer rolled over towards the inside rails with Jones underneath .
5 Plod could herd them all together into a group , march them to and from their destinations , depriving them along the way of all alcohol ( not to mention all civil rights ) and beat the living daylights out of any who still insisted on stepping out of line .
6 It seemed obvious that the best form of organization for overseas trade was the one that was used first in exporting wool and then by the cloth traders , who still accounted for three-quarters of English exports in the first half of the century : all the merchants involved would sell together at a ‘ staple ’ town , usually in Belgium or the Netherlands , where they could avoid competing with each other and so increase their bargaining strength .
7 Cut off from God 's communion and divine love , the rebels still clung to their leader Lucifer , their fallen star , who still glowed with forgotten glory and the heat of defeated bitterness .
8 Those who still thought in terms of a rural peasant Poland dominated by the feudal power of the szlachta and the Church had little time to adapt their vision .
9 Over the years she had become a stranger to us , her sisters tending to avoid her ; all but my mother , who still wrote to her at Christmas-time .
10 It is not just that many of the old structures of central planning have been demolished , or that much of the government is now in the hands of people who still refer to themselves quite unselfconsciously as ‘ the opposition ’ .
11 The same greybeards , in fact , who still refer to Henry Moore as an ‘ abstract ’ sculptor .
12 They may be mostly kids who still worry about spots — facial as well as first team — but they performed with commendable maturity , resolve and verve at White Hart Lane .
13 I heard the news from a guy I knew who still lived in the village .
14 Most humans have emigrated to a colony on Mars and those who still remain on Earth are encouraged to leave by the inducement of a free purpose-built robot , or android , to help them in their new life .
15 From the book he 'd just put down he knew that vast tracts of virgin tropical forest covered those mountainsides and large areas of the lowlands too ; in the book there w.ere sepia-tinted photographs of primitive tribesmen who still hunted with stone-tipped arrows and poison darts in those same forests that also teemed with elephant herds , tiger , buffalo , black bears and countless other rare species of animal life that had been left undisturbed by the march of civilization .
16 One librarian who still clung to the old ideals remarked :
17 Hayward and Day were obviously actresses who still clung to a perception of Hollywood stardom that no longer existed .
18 This led her to stare straight towards Rupert Green and his companion who still waited on the outskirts of the throng .
19 Many hours are taken up with writing notes and minutes , with the loyal support of our Secretary , who still manages to ‘ smile and sing under all difficulties ’ .
20 There are still a great many old-stagers who still insist on keeping up the old style — 13th January .
21 What little human warmth I required I garnered from the aunts and cousins , who still came to Cliff Top for their annual holiday .
22 He 's a literate man now , a ferociously eager autodidact who got through Proust , Joyce and Stanislavsky in his twenties , who still retreats to his trailer between takes to write poetry that nobody is allowed to see .
23 An overwhelming majority of those who still baulked at actual sacking favoured return to uniform , with the view that ‘ CID officers who are lazy and incompetent were so primarily because of the absence of the eventual sanction of removal from specialist duty . ’
24 Nor would Morse be forgetting the only man who had not been present at the meeting — the man who still lay with a wicked headache and a barely touched breakfast-tray beside him in Room 201 , to which room Shirley Brown had shepherdessed him when , after his unexplained absence , he had reeled into The Randolph the previous night .
25 Obviously they had been infiltrated by the enemies who still lay in wait for him in Russia .
26 This simple two-stage process is still the basis of thinking of most of the medical profession and those members of the population who still listen to them .
27 If you pass Dailly kirkyard , spare a thought for the unsung miner who lies there , and another thought for the men who still labour in the dangers of the mining industry .
28 Do you remember Stephen the gardener , and darling Bessie your nanny who still writes to me , and whom we found again when we went into Burma on our way home from Australia ?
29 Mr Chairman I believe I have the floor and I would also say that contrary to what we 've just been told there are people employed by what was called and three to four hundred people are employed , they 're not effected other than fifteen people , fifteen people were not effected by this statement and there are some hundred and eighty people who still work for and connected with the project .
30 The few people who still live on these remote islands practise traditional Kentish crafts , such as creative in-breeding , undisturbed by motor traffic and other aspects of mainland life .
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