Example sentences of "[Wh pn] 'll [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A crowd of angry demonstrators were given the slip today by a building expert who 'll decide the fate of a hotel facing demolition .
2 The price you paid was fair enough , but the net result is that if the business fails now it 's you who 'll stand the loss . ’
3 ‘ The designer has to allow for both those who 'll do no more than flick through and those who 'll go through it line-by-line .
4 And they said we do n't mean to be over the men , but what we mean is for you to come down the office , no what the office wants as regards orders , and be responsible and pass them out to the men who you 'll think who 'll do the job best and all that , and that 's what we mean .
5 Who 'll do the killing , then ?
6 I was n't having her marrying Malcolm , who 'll inherit the firm when Hutton retires .
7 ‘ There 's no doubt who 'll wear the trousers in that house , ’ said one elderly lady watching with amusement .
8 Protestors argue that it 's the disadvantaged who 'll feel the loss of he library most .
9 And it 's not only rail travellers who 'll feel the pinch .
10 ’ Like Frejji , who 'll fix the ship better than anyone . ’
11 ‘ Someone who 'll give a bit extra .
12 ‘ An actor who 'll fit the part . ’
13 Either way , there will be a lot of people who 'll remember the fourth of November .
14 ‘ A good teacher is someone who 'll take a good joke but will make us work to get the work done .
15 There will always be people who 'll take a chance .
16 Who 'll drive the bride and groom ? ’
17 ‘ By parading me before your friends as a woman who 'll let a virtual stranger kiss her passionately , ’ she said accusingly .
18 ‘ A lad who 'll brave the anger of all the clachan for a wretched outcast like myself is a true son of Gillian . ’
19 I 'm going to send round a nurse who 'll massage the affected muscles and help her with exercises .
20 First into Sarajevo tomorrow will be a consultant paediatrican who 'll assess the needs of the 20 children to be brought out …
21 Obviously , I understand that this course is to be built mainly for the benefit of the people who 'll buy the new houses , but it seems a pity that natural unspoilt countryside should be bulldozed to make way for what 's really just a few rich people 's pastime . ’
22 If people disagree , fine , but in the end it 's me who 'll get the sack if things go wrong . ’
23 I was just thinking on my way into work ‘ who 'll get the England job now the Turnip has got ta go ( the onlt +ve point to last night ) ? ’
24 The only people who 'll get the Conservative parties back in is the snobby people who work at Oxford and that .
25 The kind of people who 'll order a guitar like this Manson will argue in reply that : ( a ) a production guitar will never have a handmade guitar 's combination of all the right bits with that extra edge of quality ; ( b ) it 's obviously better to go for a traditional design than some mutant battle-axe because you 're less likely to get sick of it and they 're a lot easier to customise further and there 's nothing better at fitting into virtually any style of music than an S-type or a T-type ; and ( c ) it 's their money , anyway .
26 If that woman 's the sort who 'll incinerate a whole building , what will she do to me when she finds out I 've heard all this ?
27 ‘ Someone who 'll argue the hind leg off a donkey just for the sake of it .
28 It 's anyone 's guess who 'll win the election .
29 who 'll win the Mackeson … will it be the young lions from Naunton … or the grand old Duke from Ford … the race is on
30 So who 'll win the big one , then ?
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