Example sentences of "[Wh pn] would [vb infin] for " in BNC.

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1 So who would speak for old Shallot ?
2 So who would arrange for the funeral then ?
3 This first-hand testimony , delivered with appropriate scholarly documentation , helped restore to the so called ‘ primitive ’ his full humanity and dignity ; it became intellectually inadmissible for tribesmen to be regarded as museum specimens who would remain for ever wayward children of nature and wards of paternalistic colonialism .
4 The Suffering Servant — one who would suffer for the evil/sin of others ( e.g. Is 52 : 13 — 53 : 12 ) Modern examples e.g. Dietrich Bonhoeffer , Anne Frank , Franz Jagerstatter
5 I see And , and who would , who would pay for theses courses ?
6 Who would pay for that ?
7 The hon. Gentleman said that Labour would need to implement an FGD programme , and asked who would pay for it .
8 I congratulate the hon. Gentleman on his speech — I am sure that he would not have predicted that — because he attempted to deal with the question of who would pay for increased benefits by quoting a statement apparently made by the permanent secretary to the Department of Social Security , Sir Michael Partridge .
9 The élite group of thirty-three big-wave riders who would compete for the title had been chosen .
10 Before the war public appeals had raised sufficient money to keep Youth Allyah afloat , but , when it became clear that large numbers of children would not soon be leaving for Palestine , the question arose as to who would care for them during their prolonged stay in Britain .
11 Who would care for me half as well , eh ?
12 Of course the problems of distinguishing F from C , goat from sheep , are no worse than the problems teachers were faced with for years , when they had to separate O level candidates from those who would work for CSE .
13 One or two of the local lads could help you fish the char , Mary could cook it and pot it — you 'd have to put the pots out to commission but the district is full of men who would work for you .
14 Enclosure might result in every acre being grabbed by private owners , who would sell for speculative building .
15 In the days leading up to this fight to decide who would fight for the world title next year , Violet had been steeling herself to be tough and resilient for the sake of her son .
16 Few as they were , they might be sufficient , for the men in them would be seasoned seamen and raiders who would brawl for the love of it , on shipboard anywhere ; who would defend their own northern lands to the death , on land or on sea ; but who would never march south in cold blood to throw away life defending a foreigner 's ground .
17 He knew Sir Ralph 's type : a professional soldier , a mercenary who would crusade for the faith but was not averse to serving in the armies of the infidel .
18 I know some ambitious Tories who would kill for it . ’
19 But he was not a person who would ferret for secrets .
20 Liu Huaqing , a 76-year-old general and the new vice-chair of the CMC , was elected to represent the military , as the sole military member of the standing committee ; he was regarded as a political neutral , and was described by the Far Eastern Economic Review of Oct. 29 as a " no-nonsense professional " who would push for depoliticization and modernization of the military .
21 Social Security Secretary Peter Lilley said last week the lump sum , which will replace regular payments to those who would qualify for up to £4 a week , would help with initial back-to-work expenses .
22 it 's not very many people who would qualify for the minimum premiums .
23 After a torrid love affair , he lived in abject poverty , telling his story to anyone who would listen for the price of a drink .
24 She had n't become a whore because she wanted to ; it was because the money of perverted old men had offered her an easy way out of poverty — those same old men who would clamour for the investigation to be dropped .
25 He 's the hardest working of St Andrews ' 98 registered caddies , 67 of whom would report for duty that day .
26 He was cheered by 3,000 people , almost none of whom would qualify for abode or refuge under the current package .
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