Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the testing time has now arrived ; because for the first time posts of leadership in humanities departments are being taken up by a generation of scholars who have been familiar with the computer from their earliest schooldays , scholars who are neither frightened by , nor over-respectful of , the new powers which the computer has brought .
2 Face-to-face interviews with homeworkers conducted in co-operation with local homeworking campaigns will explore the situation of ethnic minority homeworkers , who have been under- represented in previous studies .
3 It is rendered particularly difficult for women who have been stereotyped , because the stereotype of women is one which precludes the exercise of active responsibility .
4 The incident has horrified South African tourist officials who have been anxious to play down the murders of Julie and Elizabeth , both 30 .
5 Some people have been surprised and relieved to discover that HIV has been suspected by friends and relatives who have been anxious to help , yet afraid to ask .
6 Four pilot Workstart schemes will be started , offering financial assistance to employers who take on people who have been long-term unemployed .
7 This is good news for all women who have been unsuccessful with hip and thigh diets that concentrate mainly on dieting and calorie-counting .
8 Fourthly , pupils who have been unsuccessful in achieving all the learning outcomes must have the opportunity to be re-assessed after appropriate consolidation or reinforcement .
9 I 've got five or six people here who have been water-skiing all their lives , and there 's no way any of them can do it . ’
10 In other words , party leaders in the UK are selected from experienced national politicians whose competence and party loyalty have been regularly tried and tested , who have been subject to a careful process of peer review and have come to the fore not as a result of their electoral appeal , but because they have won the confidence of the people with whom they would have to work in government .
11 Counter arguments may not be employed to full effect , and individual injustices ( perhaps involving parents who have been subject to wholly baseless accusations ) may not be exposed .
12 Of those who have been married thirty years or more , only 4.3 per cent divorce .
13 We know that in general women who have been married ( that is , separated divorced or widowed ) are more likely to be living with their own parents than those who currently are married ( Martin and Roberts , 1984 ) .
14 This coincides with the views of some other feminist writers who have been impressed by this distinctively ‘ female ’ contribution to morality .
15 Although Wallinger makes quite a straightforward , if powerfully direct , rock noise there are many who have been impressed by his abilities as a natural communicator — especially at his live shows .
16 And this persists in the work of political scientists , sociologists and others who have been impressed by the approach .
17 At birth babies who have been jaundiced , premature or have had certain antibiotic therapies — to list just a few instances — should also be screened for impaired hearing .
18 The financial advisers of those days were probably the people who taught the ones who have been professional schemes .
19 Alcohol Concern ( 1987 ) suggests that older people who have been regular drinkers may need to reduce by half the quantity of alcohol they consume .
20 An increasing number of women , perhaps career women in their 30s who have been regular Pill users for several years , may wish to check if they are ovulating before planning the timing of a pregnancy .
21 Those who have been gallant enough to go ‘ mad ’ for the rest of us are supposed to stay mad , otherwise it threatens our belief that craziness is ‘ out there ’ .
22 We hope that part of its brief will be to research the views of children , relatives and adopters who have been involved in both open and more traditional adoptions .
23 Most of the humans who have been involved in rescues of dolphins or small whales such as pilot whales will readily admit that it is an emotional and moving experience .
24 I would like to hear from women who are now or who have been involved in prostitution .
25 Points to stress include stability , an encouraging and positive attitude to education , parents or relatives who have been involved in similar work , and an enthusiastic attitude to hard work .
26 Members of the Commission who have been involved with Cafod 's Latin America Campaign , would like to share their enthusiasm and resources with any parish , womens group , ecumenical group , youth group , senior citizens group etc , who would like to learn a little more about Latin America .
27 It is entirely wrong to assume that older women , who have been involved in employment during their lives , should experience retirement as any more or less significant than it is for older men .
28 Among some people who have been involved in negotiations at Geneva on laws-of-war matters there is a genuine concern that any neat set of rules limiting the use of nuclear weapons in one way or another might have the unfortunate effects either of weakening deterrence ; or else , contrariwise , of seeming to legitimise such uses of nuclear weapons as are not covered in any agreement ; or else of being nothing more than a paper accord , which would be of little real value in a conflict .
29 Peace and order on the empirical plane is established and maintained through a series of tultulan , ‘ collective discussions ’ , in which the unruly emotions of those who have been involved in quarrelling ( garisugan , ‘ mutually aggressive acts ’ ) are brought back until order and peace , uway , is restored .
30 Local schools , who have been involved in a railway poster competition to design images reflecting 150 years of local rail travel , will receive their first class family rail travel prizes from InterCity and the WSR at the same time at Taunton .
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