Example sentences of "[Wh pn] have [be] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 In looking for the answers , let us begin with those citizens who have been around for the longest time — the elderly and those in later middle age .
2 ‘ Those who have been around for a while and waited on an international chance tend to appreciate it all the more when one arrives , ’ he said .
3 No such luxury for the four members of Scout Flight , Who have been out flying since before 0400 .
4 But such was the surge of support for South Africa , who have been out of international rugby for eight years , that in the end only Wales , it is understood , voted against .
5 When driving in the countryside you often see walking human haystacks — people , who have been out cutting grass for their cows , returning home and walking down the road often with only their legs showing beneath their enormous bundles .
6 It is my strong impression that it is probably a very small MI5 mafia who have been out of the service for some time , who still continue the vendetta for no doubt extremely right-wing purposes of their own .
7 Many people who have been out for a number of years have friends and lovers who have died or may die .
8 It is this hard core of unemployed — that is , those who have been out of work longest — that makes up a large part of the new underclass .
9 The proposal is to guarantee a place on ET , or any other training , education , pre-employment course , for those who have been out of work over a set period of time .
10 Roger : It 's designed to help people who have been out of work for more than a year .
11 They apply to people who have been out of work for six months or more .
12 Employment Training is the Government 's system for helping adults who have been out of work for more than six months .
13 THE number of people who have been out of work for more than a year broke through the one million barrier today for the first time in five years .
14 These three are likely to feature in tomorrow 's opening match against a Stellenbosch Farmers XI , though any idea of a nice easy game should be dismissed as Yorkshire , who have been out here for a week , struggled to beat them a few days ago .
15 It is not a familiar object in our recessionary times , especially to the old and people who have been out enjoying themselves .
16 As an employer , you are obliged to pay a minimum level of sick pay to most employees , aged 16 or over , who have been off sick for four or more days in a row .
17 In the middle ages Margaret had had a wonderful time ; women had understood then that it was not to other mothers that you turn in childbirth , it is to those women who have lived it , who have been down between the dragon 's teeth , have travelled the dragons ' pathways and have lurked in the dark and boiling belly of pain , have been chewed and digested and emerged .
18 ‘ Fighters who have been in with him are never the same again , ’ he said last week .
19 I have I would say that most of the people who answer yes who have been in say for instance home improvements
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