Example sentences of "[Wh pn] they [vb base] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 they should have things about who they 've placed where ?
2 There 's also a link with neighbours Cud , who Mick worked with on their latest single — and who they 've gigged with .
3 close , I can assure you Chairman recognise the time , I can assure you Chairman that our social workers when doing assessments will not , because I 've had this from them , at grass roots level in a branch local party meeting , that our social workers will not indicate to those people who they 've assessed that there are vacancies in those homes .
4 But this simply underlines a point that psychoanalysis is , by the very nature biographical , thus historical point , er , historical methods to trace one 's actions and reports in the presents , present er , relation to those who they 've experienced in the past .
5 Tomorrow Oxford United will officially reveal who they 've chosen to be their new manager .
6 Under the act the holder of information has to disclose the type of information they hold , where they 've got it from , and who they intend to disclose it to .
7 There 's a very good example of that in the film you 'll see , where somebody phones up , and does n't quite know who they want to speak to , but they get through to a department , and they say , ‘ Oh , I 've left some money ’ , and the caller immediately , and the person who 's received the call immediately says , ‘ Ah , money ! , you want the treasurers department , I 'll put you through ’ , and before the chap 's had a chance to say , ‘ No , no , no , I really want to speak to you , they 've gone , and they 're back at the switchboard . ’
8 They say who they want to send it to , add a few notes , send it off and are dropped straight back into the spreadsheet . ’
9 But once you break that down and start to have lots of small independent production companies , then you find very many larger numbers of women and everyone can choose who they want to work with .
10 Nevertheless , the managers , having probably visited several venture capitalists with their business plan at the outset of the buy-out process , may well have their own views about who they want to work with , and will wish to be involved in the syndication process .
11 But the tenants do n't want to leave Mrs Birt-Smith , who they say makes them feel like family .
12 Of course they deny responsibility , blaming any trouble on weekend ravers who they say expect ‘ something for nothing ’ .
13 But they claim to have the support of hundreds of local residents , who they say do n't want the complex sited on common land .
14 I do n't want to be positioned as someone who they have to defer to .
15 Whether that shame is yet moving them to have an impact on the men who they see perpetrating this sort of behaviour in colleges I do n't know , but certainly some of the undergraduates I have spoken to feel very embarrassed that this is the portrait of male behaviour that 's being perpetrated .
16 The chap on the Britannia stage was referring , almost certainly , to a recent threat by the IRA in Derry to kill two people who they allege to have been behind a ‘ major drugs ring ’ in the city .
17 I know that Quins have been heavily criticised for fielding weak teams in league games , but it is an amateur sport and they are entitled to select whomsoever they want to see out there .
18 The first type is casual encounters along the beat , so that neighbourhood police pass friendly comments with whoever they happen to meet , such as people working in front gardens , the unemployed , customers in shops , old folks trying to cross busy roads , mothers with young children in push-chairs and prams , young children being especially appealing to the older family men who seem to predominate in the Neighbourhood Unit , only one of whom is not married .
19 They are also required to inform the company of anyone else whom they know to have had an interest in the relevant shares .
20 This house is obviously a perfect place for them to both recover their strength and be reunited with the twins , whom they 've missed so much . ’
21 Nowadays they get in free and are given VIP passes ( access to all areas ) , but tonight the five mates with whom they 've driven the 150 miles from Southport have all been refused entry by the Ritzy 's management for being under 20 .
22 Some banks also have a hit list of people whom they threaten to sue for damages .
23 In this , as in so many matters involving the practitioner in the pain of elders , attention must be given to supporting practitioners so that they can confront their own feelings , fears and anxieties about old age and those whom they seek to help .
24 Partly it is a primary addictive disease of some family members who are addicted to " fixing " or " helping " other people regardless of the consequences to themselves or to those other people whom they seek to help .
25 They will have specialists with whom they like to work .
26 Paediatricians at any grade are welcome to contact me for names of suitable job sharers or simply for general advice if they already have a colleague with whom they wish to share .
27 ‘ They have named a Commissioner Zen , whom they claim demanded to be present when the ransom money was paid , threatening to wreck the pay-off by a show of force if they did not comply .
28 They , for their part , attempt to justify their actions to each other , hypocrisy apparently continuing by habit , having become a way of life ( since there is no one on-stage whom they need to deceive , perhaps they have come to believe their own lies ) : The truth is transparent , however ; indeed , when Gloucester reports that the king is leaving , Goneril says , ‘ My Lord , entreat him by no means to stay ’ ( 301 ) .
29 Yet this was in fact a pseudo-problem because Catholics do not worship Mary , but honour her as mother of the Christ whom they do worship .
30 For , as the report went on to show , the problem is not that manufacturers employ too few people , but that the few people whom they do employ produce much less than their counterparts elsewhere in the world .
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