Example sentences of "that lie " in BNC.

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1 There are times when it might seem that this is a definition which can produce the sense of a self which is both amorphous and autonomous , of a doubtful self which also serves to cast doubt on the human world that lies beyond the subjective individual — a world which some writers are , and some are not , very cunning in , and which is inhabited by people with a working knowledge of who they are and what they are doing .
2 But there 's never the sure intuition that lies between women , welds them together .
3 Indeed one characteristic of British democracy is that the country is normally ruled by the party that lies second or third in the opinion polls ( if we take averages over all months since polls began , giving each month equal weight ) .
4 Icelandic weather is really buggering me about , I decide , and conditions are now near perfect except for the metre of soft snow that lies over everything in sight .
5 Other treks cross the two fine Arctic National Parks , Uhro Kekkonen to the east , and Lemmenjoki park in the north , a park that links with the Øvre Anarjokka Park that lies in Norway , to the east of Kautokeino , capital of Norwegian Lappland .
6 Instead , attention should be turned to the universal problem that lies behind the takeover trend : the separation in capitalism of ownership and control .
7 She keeps nothing hidden from Edward , so confident is she of his love and so secure in her belief in the future that lies before them , unconventional and home-based :
8 We have arrived at chapter 22 , but before we deal with it in detail , we must look quickly at another story that lies between Isaac 's birth and his coming so soon and so close to death .
9 Second , we can do a great deal to explain what is going on within the funeral service — the symbolism , the words used , the belief that lies behind some of the things said .
10 Enthusiastic supporters claimed that the movement gave to ‘ the Free Churches a unity they have never had before ’ although this same observer recognized that it was ‘ the Establishment that lies at the foundation of our contention ’ .
11 For example , in flowering plants the haploid stage is reduced to the pollen tube , derived from a haploid pollen grain that falls on the stigma of a flower and grows until it reaches and fertilizes the egg cell that lies in the flower 's ovary .
12 May we nurture the good that lies within us and seek to overcome the seeds of violence and hate .
13 May we learn to cherish the good that lies within us .
14 I suspect that if we were to take a sensate tension structure such as the love-hate paradox that lies at the heart of Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet theme , we would be able to transpose it into different forms each appropriate to a particular culture , and , provided we had the necessary skill of course , we would be able to do this for all cultures in the world .
15 The term implies that there is a something that lies behind the face .
16 The part of the aquifer that lies above the water table is termed the unsaturated zone .
17 This mythical treatment of dictatorship not only gives the novel a more universal dimension , but communicates the fundamental struggle between human decency and selfishness that lies behind the political struggle .
18 Our concern is with that huge category of stock which is not issuing well and which fills our valuable storage space : the nineteenth-century biographies ; the classics of politics and philosophy ; the long journal runs ; the multi-volume histories ; the ‘ complete ’ works ; the novels , plays and studies of and by yesterday 's men and women ; the giant topographical histories — the accumulated cultural and historical heritage that lies heavily on the stacks and on the reference shelves .
19 The classing together of ‘ science and technology ’ has done enormous harm to our educational system , and it has taken place because of a confusion between using tools and techniques of various kinds , and understanding the theory that lies behind them .
20 Such ability may or may not be accompanied by an understanding of the theory that lies behind the skill .
21 Principally these occur on Pevensey Levels , part of the Low Weald , and on that part of Romney Marsh that lies within Sussex to the east of Rye .
22 The continental ice sheet that lies three kilometres thick at Dome C in East Antarctica ( Figure 3 ) creeps slowly coastward in all directions , carrying meteorites that have fallen on its vast , 13-million-square-kilometre surface and been frozen-in for thousands , or possibly millions , of years .
23 Its end , that is , the singular future that lies ahead for the collapsing object .
24 The other school of thought on hypnosis emphasises the special social situation that lies at the core of hypnosis .
25 Along with deposits near Hawaii , this is the only deposit that lies within the proposed 200-mile exclusive economic zone of the US .
26 The important thing to sort when we pass the forty mark is the motive that lies behind the wish to stay looking young .
27 Such left-wing gaucherie has made them easy meat for a largely right-wing press anxious to show that extreme political dogma is a left-wing monopoly and determined to deny the left the social concern and humanity that lies behind some of the left-wing philosophy .
28 They 've never felt the pain that lies behind all the hatred we can feel for women , our need to hurt them in return .
29 The Russians should have the courtesy to move over for some miles into middle Asia , where there is an abundance of space that lies close to them but far from us : let Russia give us sufficient coast on the Black Sea so that , from there we can resettle our beggars and peasants in Asia Minor …
30 It is the attempt to examine some of these interdisciplinary intersections that lies at the heart of this text .
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