Example sentences of "[vb -s] now been made " in BNC.

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1 This has now been made illegal .
2 Amendment has now been made to the legislation to ensure that the time for raising and answering enquiries is calculated correctly .
3 Yet the editorial in Nature said that a ‘ thermonuclear ( my italics ) reaction has now been made ’ and the article was headlined ‘ Controlled Release of Thermonuclear Energy ’ .
4 One feels , however , that a systematic start has now been made in the identification of current welfare assistant practice from which specific issues can be highlighted and followed up .
5 A first attempt has now been made in the Criminal Justice Act 1991 to remedy this omission ( see below ) , but the fact that sentencers have had to wait so long for such a lead is evidence of a serious weakness in the self-regulatory capacity of the Court of Appeal itself .
6 The subject of what is evidently the principal side of the vase ( fig. 108 ) is much argued over : the Argonauts , the Seven against Thebes , the Underworld ; the morning of Marathon ; but I believe it has now been made nearly sure .
7 This point has now been made frequently over the past few years , as for instance in this passage from the Gulbenkian Report , The Arts in Schools ( 1982 ) :
8 The planned closure of 31 of the remaining 50 coal mines in Britain , which has now been made subject to a review after widespread protests , will have serious environmental implications , the National Rivers Authority ( NRA ) and others have warned .
9 Unfortunately it would appear , or perhaps fortunately , depending on , on one 's views , erm , the policy has always been quite clear , that we should treat them in exactly the same way as we treat the independent sector , and that there would be an arm 's length independent inspection , that has now been made explicitly clear that that is the requirement , and therefore you would have to withdraw that and say that if there is a requirement to find a further two hundred and fifty thousand pounds ' worth of savings , we will have to go and identify another area rather than that .
10 And it was on that basis that they decided to go to the point near Sand Hutton where provision has now been made for them .
11 The water up to 500 metres around the ship has now been made a no-go area , for fear any oil still in the wreck could be a danger to life and property .
12 What was always going to be an extremely tricky situation has now been made even more unfavourable for the Government — by the Government .
13 The appointment of a transport adviser has now been made and she is preparing to leave for Accra at the time of writing this report .
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