Example sentences of "[vb -s] him [conj] his " in BNC.

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1 It 's not the severity that worries him but his inability to universalize the verdict and therefore take it to himself as he can take ‘ Vous l'avez voulu , Georges Dandin , ’ the thing of Molière 's Dostoevsky liked to quote .
2 The European championship win still has him and his fans on the edge of their seats !
3 Isabelle nudges him and his head falls forward over the coffee table , tips of his hair brushing against the largest lump of heroin .
4 It annoys him because his best pyjamas are here and he 's seeing the specialist
5 The fight with Tucker , in the meantime , will earn Lewis a contractually agreed 80 per cent of £6m and with a clause in the agreement which gives him and his management access to the courts if King indulges in the questionable manoeuvres for which he is not unknown .
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