Example sentences of "[vb -s] him [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Victorious in war , and victorious also against the wiles of amorous Atene , Leo is taken to the ruler , who reveals herself to him as Ayesha and challenges him to view her in her hideous age .
2 ‘ She wants him to ask her to get married and he wants her to give up her job , which is the only thing she 's ever wanted to do .
3 ‘ She wants him to marry me , because he is her friend — her lover , perhaps !
4 Loves him does she ?
5 ‘ Nothing in this marvellous list ’ says Milton ‘ was as fine as Eden ’ and of course it hurts him to say it , and I do n't think it 's far fetched to detect that hurt and pain of that great sacrifice that John Milton is making in the rhythm when we read ‘ Might with this paradise of Eden strive ’ , or in the fact that he ca n't stop there , because I did n't — as you will have realized from Bentley 's comment — I did n't read you the whole passage .
6 When he insists that they must have names , she agrees to call him ‘ Someone ’ and allows him to call her ‘ Something ’ .
7 Every small advance allows him to see it more clearly , more accurately , more affordably .
8 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
9 Dr G 's emphasis on the creative potential of physics leads him to see it as an ‘ arts subject ’ ; Dr L , on the other hand , sees the differences between the sciences and the arts as ‘ enormous ’ .
10 She gets him to give her a cigarette , after she has asked to have a ‘ drag ’ on his : This in itself seems quite suggestive .
11 When Raskolnikov goes to Sonya to declare himself , she implores him to tell her ‘ straight out — without examples ’ .
12 The sculptor is encouraged to deepen the relief to make the figures stand out better ; and this in turn , making them more like statues , encourages him to treat them in the convention of free sculpture rather than that of drawing .
13 Yet still Jacob has him in his grip , and the mysterious assailant begs him to let him go ‘ for the day is breaking ’ .
14 Whatever the lord tells him to say he does it .
15 But he still lets him take it !
16 ‘ She comes up here , throws herself at a man who may or may not be her brother , but who is undoubtedly mixed up in a very unsavoury episode in his country 's history , lets him persuade her to fool around with a very dangerous drug …
17 Deb always asks him to bring us a Grosche back
18 His love for Olivia obliges him to take her , with her husband , as passengers to Virginia , where Stukeley hopes to escape from debts and the legal action of certain victims of his villainy .
19 That 's why she wo n't move back in with him , cos she says there 's too much stuff there reminds him reminds her of her his ma or your ma .
20 Jim ( no one who knows him calls him Iggy ) being Jim was squatting on the table stuffing everyone else 's venison into his roll and eating it with his fingers .
21 What makes him think he 's so wonderful ? ’
22 More recently his attempt to damp down the fires of the Rushdie controversy , A Satanic Affair : Salman Rushdie and The Rage of Islam , infuriated both Muslim militants and some of Rushdie 's friends , which makes him think he got the balance about right .
23 Somebody will then decide to give an impromptu reply if the best man does n't , which makes him feel he should have spoken .
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