Example sentences of "[vb -s] that although [art] " in BNC.

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1 For the present purposes , however , the model 's general validity for European societies pre 1980 illustrates that although a state is necessary in a capitalist economic system its particular form can vary substantially to reflect local circumstances : form and function should not be confused .
2 Also , taking into account a 100 Group survey and a brief note on the view of organisations already authorised to train , the report concludes that although the ‘ TOPP schemes established so far are providing excellent training opportunities for those students who are committed to a career in a non-practising environment ’ , the Institute may need to review its approach if it wants to increase the range of its training opportunities .
3 In a report , Water pollution incidents in England and Wales — 1990 , the NRA says that although a lack of previous data makes an assessment of overall trends difficult , there is no question that the number of incidents reported has risen .
4 The RSC says that although the combination would create a very large body and might result in a ‘ loss of focus ’ on pollution control , it would avoid serious disruption of programmes and would provide integrated operations at the ‘ delivery end ’ of its service .
5 Walker says that although the animals were fully anaesthetised , some students believed they were suffering ‘ Of course , there is no similar emotional reaction when the computer takes the place of the animal . ’
6 BusinessAge says that although the paper millionaires may be incredibly wealthy one day , their wealth fluctuates with the vagaries of the stock market and share dealings from day to day .
7 Ralph Pickles says that although the product is not profitable yet , the price has been set to allow for expanded production .
8 Dr Julian Hopkin says that although the altered gene is passed from generation to generation by both sexes , the mother appears to be the final passage for the development of the illness .
9 Strathclyde says that although the number of bed nights at its remaining centres will be reduced by 17 per cent to 110,600 , the range and quality of education will be improved .
10 This confirms that although the junctions a subject recalls are the ones at which they reported subjective risk , they are also the busy ones and the ones the subject regards as likely to be the most dangerous in other conditions ; this means that actual feelings of risk may not be solely responsible for the effect .
11 As can be seen the trend analysis once again confirms that although the business is expanding in terms of sales costs are escalating ahead of sales .
12 Table 3 shows that although the vast majority of women eventually have children , families have become smaller over time .
13 This chapter details these processes as well as the IPG 's objectives , decisions and constraints and shows that although the activity takes place in London , bureaux needs are at the forefront of decision-making for the information system .
14 Table 3 , below , shows that although the limited duration of the present Call-slip analysis exercise meant that fewer issues were monitored in 1981 than in earlier years , the proportion of all issues which were in foreign languages remained remarkably constant , at around 4% .
15 Thus it seems that although the speed rating task was performed roughly as expected , subjects on the normality rating task in fact performed a very different task to the one used in Groeger and Chapman study .
16 However , it seems that although the exemption can only be waived on a building-by-building basis , if the exemption is waived for a building as a whole , but if a lease of part of the building prohibits the addition of VAT , the landlord will have to account to Customs & Excise for VAT out of the net rent .
17 He finds that although the globular bodies of the histone molecules no longer contact the DNA of heavily transcribed genes , their charged tails still do , leading him to suggest that they remain tethered by their tails while the polymerase passes so that they can rapidly ‘ snap back ’ into their former structure .
18 It appears that although the initial protest was by ethnic Hungarians seeking to protect Pastor Tokes , himself a Hungarian , Romanians were quick to join the demonstrations .
19 However , the 1975 figures clearly give a very fair picture of the present breeding status , and Hughes ( 1975b ) , in discussing the results , notes that although the total summer population increased by 45 per cent .
20 It suspects that although the Viking is n't the so-called performance leader , the volumes it 's producing are higher than at Hewlett Packard .
21 It follows that although the man is a plagiarist , he is not a deliberate plagiarist .
22 This means that although the State is an external , exploitative body it is not seen as such by the people who , on the contrary , see it as a kind of beneficent organism which ‘ gives ’ them the land on which they depend .
23 This means that although the supplementary benefit regulations say that claimants are entitled to shelter and warmth , their benefits rarely measure up to it .
24 In the language of political philosophy , power is deemed to be a concept that is ‘ essentially contested ’ which means that although the concept has featured prominently in political philosophy over the centuries and is now a major concern of organisation theorists we are still left with disputes over its meaning .
25 He explains that although the parliament itself enjoys simultaneous translation facilities , the group meetings have no such luck .
26 The RSPB reports that although a record number of the birds bred in Wales this year , the number of surviving young was disappointingly low .
27 The study — ‘ Pesticides , Chemicals and Public Health ’ argues that although the levels are rarely fatal , little is known about the risks to health from long term exposure .
28 This suggests that although the blast that killed them was intensely hot , it lasted only a few moments , not long enough to ignite fabrics .
29 This language suggests that although the likelihood of harm to W. 's brain and reproductive organs in the absence of treatment was confirmed , actual harm was not yet about to occur .
30 Figure 7.5 shows the differences in P(A) for the films that were used in this study , a comparison of this figure with Figure 7.1 suggests that although the total amount of information in a stimulus does play an important role in memory it is clearly not sufficient to explain the recognition results .
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