Example sentences of "[vb -s] that during [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Clay writes that during the middle years of the seventeenth century customary tenures were still widespread and important , especially for the smaller properties , but that much less land was held in this way than was the case 100 years earlier .
2 She concludes that during the 1950s and 1960s the prospect of returning to the labour market gave women an incentive to compress their childbearing , thus shortening intervals between births and accelerating the tempo of fertility .
3 CPRE 's evidence shows that during the committee stages of the 1986 Agriculture Act , Mr Gummer said that conservation advice would not be charged for .
4 Recent work published in Science ( 1992 , 255 , 952 ) shows that during the south polar spring of 1990 there was a 6–12 per cent reduction in photosynthesis by phytoplankton as the ozone layer thinned : such inhibition is an effect of UVB radiation .
5 The record shows that during the 1980s we were able both to increase public expenditure in real terms by about 20 percent .
6 It seems that during a period of good relations between the Spaniards and the native Indians , the cacique of one local tribe had become blood-brother to Balboa , and had actually persuaded the Spaniard to help him prosecute a local war .
7 It seems that during the 18th century in the beautiful city of Cambridge , the leading livery stable was owned and operated by one Charles Hobson who had made a small fortune in renting cabs and carriages to the gentry , so much so that he had acquired that lovely house and property known as Anglesey Abbey for his country residence .
8 Commenting on its third quarter and nine month figures ( alongside ) , Redwood City , California-based Oracle Corp notes that during the third quarter , licence sales grew by 30% year-to-year while service revenues expanded by 25% .
9 Commenting on its third quarter and nine month figures — see below — Redwood City , California-based Oracle Corp notes that during the third quarter , licence sales grew by 30% year-to-year while service revenues expanded by 25% .
10 He further asserts that during the nineteenth century litigants did not understand the way courts worked and were in awe of their proceedings , and that the intermediaries between litigants and justice , lawyers , court officials and petition-drawers , had little sympathy with or understanding for the average Sri Lankan .
11 That at least means that during the season they are out in the countryside throwing themselves in front of Land Rovers every Saturday instead of standing outside Safeway 's screaming abuse at shoppers .
12 Paul Thompson ( 1967 ) sees the triumph of Labour as a constructive coalescence of the mature proletarian class consciousness which emerged with the displacement of small-scale production and an effective LLP , while Julia Bush ( 1978 ) , concentrating on the experience of East London , argues that during the first world war socialist activity and the growing confidence and strength of the trades unions enabled the LLP to establish a solid base which it exploited to the full when hostilities ceased .
13 These arguments tend to be supported by a detailed study of the impact of the war on East London ( Bush 1978 ) , and the more recent work of Waites ( 1987 ) in which he demonstrates that during the war the working class was able temporarily to reappropriate nationalist sentiment , articulating it with an assertive , class-conscious resistance to perceived excesses of capitalist exploitation .
14 He believes that during the inter-war years the three sections of the upper class virtually fused together as they all became increasingly involved in the growing industrial enterprises .
15 Will he confirm that the Housing Executive believes that during the period 1992-95 it will lose a further £50 million from its anticipated budget if the cuts are not restored ?
16 This suggests that during a fluent phase a speaker has already done a major part of the planning before beginning to speak a clause .
17 Indeed Hakim ( 1989 ) suggests that during the late 1980s there was a gradual increase in both the absolute numbers and the proportion of the workforce outside the National Insurance net .
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