Example sentences of "[vb -s] that [pers pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The Collector had shown such enthusiasm for its hollow wonders that he himself had been tempted and misled ; he had allowed his own small stirrings of doubt , which he recognized now to have been stirrings of conscience , to be smothered .
2 She says that she she lives in a on the estate on the outskirts of Mansfield have you been checking around that area ?
3 Sir Kenelm Digby , whose book of recipes collected from his contemporaries and friends has provided posterity with a graphic record of Stuart cookery , notes that he himself made a fine syllabub with syrup left over from the home-drying of plums ; being " very quick of the fruit and very weak of sugar " this syrup " makes the Syllabub exceeding well tasted " says Sir Kenelm .
4 So too he asks that he himself may be obedient to the powers which are ordained and be delivered from ‘ private interpretation , unhealthy enquiries , and innovation in things sacred ’ .
5 In this epistle he indicates that he himself , at the time of writing , is a solitary attracted by the disciplined life of service in a religious order , but does not feel any burning conviction that that is his calling : I confess , alas , that I do not feel that burning spiritual desire for entry into religion , inspired by that divine grace , as it ought to be felt by those who from zealous devotion and pure desire of the mind plan to enter religion …
6 For Foucault , the tendency of theories of ideology to entrammel themselves in the categories of psychoanalysis , even with the eternal in Althusser 's case , means that they themselves begin to utilize the very procedures of individuation that they ought to have been analysing .
7 Got coming up Friday well it means that I you know which I 'm gon na have to do anyway Saturday , so I 'll take him in and I 'll go down early
8 Slothrop 's search , however , has scarcely begun before he realizes that he himself is under investigation .
9 The argument from analogy with which we shall be concerned here admits that it is possible that the objects we call persons are , other than ourselves , mindless automata , but claims that we none the less have sufficient reason for supposing this not to be the case .
10 Shortly , Colinetta claims that she herself has never been envious nor has she spread scandal , though evidently others behave in this way .
11 The instruments for changing behaviour show an adapted regularity which suggests that they themselves have been subject to natural selection during the course of evolution .
12 you know if there 's nothing immediately behind me , then he knows that I I ai n't gon na touch his precious parked car !
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