Example sentences of "[vb -s] to [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 He admits to wanting to be a showman , you know ?
2 It was designed to discover the feelings of fathers and ascertain exactly how much help they really are when it comes to tending to the baby 's needs .
3 When it comes to moving to a new part of the country , a better standard of living is usually high one everyone 's list .
4 When viewers have had time to develop their own theories about the scene , they are strongly motivated when it comes to listening to the soundtrack to check whether or not they were right .
5 You need to ask yourself what is so different when it comes to talking to an audience ?
6 It also makes more sense when it comes to keeping to your target weight once you have reached it .
7 When it comes to going to bed at night I do all the wrong things — and I 'll bet you do , too .
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