Example sentences of "[vb -s] even been [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 On occasions rural depopulation has aroused considerable public concern and has even been represented as a draining away of the nation 's life-blood , to the detriment of the national character and vigour .
2 Indeed it is remarkable how little the question of any revision of a hedonist philosophy of life has even been raised , never mind taken seriously and discussed .
3 The game has moved on so dramatically that the introduction of only one serve and a longer court has even been mooted .
4 In Australia , where compensation claims have rocketed , RSI has even been nicknamed myalgic compensationitis .
5 So whether your students are studying for exams or brushing up their English for professional reasons , this dictionary will deliver the answers — often before the question has even been asked !
6 I 'm , I 'm , quite amazed that , that , the question has even been asked , you know , that er that , that , er is this a good thing , I mean er presumably the people that are arguing that it 's not a good thing and that are concerned about events are actually condoning imperialism , er these people seem to think that it 's okay for a country to be occupied er like Poland was occupied by Germany and Czechoslovakia and France , that 's okay er and in fact you know we should just turn a blind eye to it and just let it carry on forever .
7 None of my November , December or January letters about the Bill has even been acknowledged .
8 And it has even been argued that the pragmatists simply ‘ extended Spencer to argue that , since all human activity could be interpreted as the outcome of the instinct for survival , so therefore could thinking be ’ .
9 It has even been argued in the US that stereotypes become more extreme in ‘ progressive ’ classrooms ( Sussman 1977 ) .
10 Indeed , it has even been argued that the army 's own internal co-ordination , command and logistics were deficient .
11 They 're great chums now , Durkin has even been invited out to the house several times . ’
12 The camera negative of a feature film is far more expensive and irreplaceable ( in Italy , camera negative has even been kidnapped and held for ransom ) .
13 It has good beaches , dramatic scenery and has even been given the royal nod .
14 have held lengthy dialogue with the commission , no formal clearance what so ever has even been given commission suggested and encouraged to notify , but they did not , they had the opportunity to do so , they declined it , one might say is a market of risk takers , this is a risk that they took .
15 It has even been speculated that a community which has grown up around a manufacturing plant may have a claim for compensation against the owners , if the latter decide to close the plant , in order to compensate for the diminution of land values and the destruction of the local economy .
16 Dummy blank tables can thus be drawn up before a single interview has even been carried out .
17 A computermail database network has even been set up around the country for fans to debate the killer of Laura Palmer , the lovely blonde homecoming queen whose body mysteriously washes onto a river bank near a lumbermill in the fictional Pacific northwest town of Twin Peaks .
18 A volcano has even been blamed for speeding up the onset of the last Ice Age .
19 The Romans were fond of lead vessels for food and drink and used lead-based glazes on pottery : lead poisoning was common and has even been proposed as a cause of the madness among high-ranking Romans which contributed to the fall of the Roman Empire .
20 That is why the game is called a dilemma , why it seems so maddeningly paradoxical , and why it has even been proposed that there ought to be a law against it .
21 She has even been snipped out of a photograph taken after her wedding .
22 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
23 It has even been suggested that some of Golitsin 's claims were based on CIA files that Angleton had allowed him to inspect .
24 It has even been suggested that it is possible to use inimical remedies with impunity although I have n't actively set out to prove or disprove this .
25 It has even been suggested by some historians , that the series gave impetus to the building of the Thames Embankment , which prevented the regular disastrous flooding of the homes of poor people .
26 It has even been suggested that the well-known hydrophobic symptom encourages the dog to shake the wet foam from its mouth — and with it the virus .
27 It has even been suggested that many of the markings found on upper palaeolithic artefacts and in caves are probably calendrical or astronomical in nature .
28 This is a relatively small volcano , and so easily accessible that it has even been suggested that a hotel should be built beneath it , to make an especially attractive night spot for jaded Guatemalans , but so far no one has risked the capital .
29 It has even been suggested that such observation , especially if associated with low morale among staff , may actually increase the risk of suicide ( Kobler and Stotland 1964 ) .
30 Once a surplus had been converted to gold it could be used , for instance , to reward , and to supply jewellers with the necessary raw material to produce lavish items of jewellery ; it has even been suggested that Scandinavian decorated gold pendants , bracteates , may have been a source of bullion like the later coins ( Hawkes and Pollard 1981 ) .
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