Example sentences of "[vb -s] how [adj] it " in BNC.

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1 This sample illustrates how easy it is to create abstract patterns from familiar objects by using the various options available .
2 The controversy that has surrounded Brenner 's results illustrates how difficult it is to draw firm conclusions about the role of any one factor , such as unemployment , on a state as loosely defined as ‘ health ’ .
3 Reading or hearing of other pilots ' experiences emphasises how easy it is for even seasoned pilots to make mistakes .
4 A comparison of such different ballets as Enigma Variations , Fancy Free and The Rake 's Progress emphasises how important it is for young choreographers to remember that ballet is an art of the general as well as of the particular .
5 It depends how much it cost .
6 depends how possible it is .
7 You taking depends how old it will be do n't it , do n't know how old it will be .
8 The Government always says how careful it is not to waste taxpayers ' money .
9 Central Broadcasting 's Managing Director , Andy Allan , says how important it is to offer a good mixture of regional programmes with news at the heart .
10 This recognition of the more than local effects of major retail development confirms how crucial it is to place such development within a strategic context .
11 A new brochure from John Guest shows how pleasant it can be to carry out plumbing work using JG Speedfit Fittings .
12 But this shows how necessary it is for proud , independent , self-reliant people to be broken , re-educated , and redirected to walk in the ways of the Lord .
13 The big picture on the right shows how easy it is to slip a thumbnail into the torn leather of a ball that has become worn naturally .
14 First , the episode shows how easy it is to be led astray by one 's own rhetoric .
15 The list shows how easy it was at the time ( 1860 ) to raise money for a line intended to run from Craven Arms to Montgomery , and what a number of persons , sufficiently well-disposed to the district to advance such large sums would be deprived of all chance of recouping themselves by completing the line , if the policy of closing it was adopted .
16 This shows how crucial it is to have funds available to support action when required from our Campaign Fund .
17 In fact , Galileo 's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) shows how difficult it was for him to pursue such an argument , even had he wished .
18 It shows how difficult it remains to make a cricket-related living in what is still the smallest populated Test country .
19 A moment 's thought soon shows how difficult it will be to achieve this if conventional training routes are followed !
20 This rather long discussion of the phonemic status of and shows how difficult it can be to reach a conclusion in phonemic analysis .
21 It makes harder reading but really shows how hard it is to get to the start line and get people interested in the project .
22 The conversion also shows how important it is for the planning authority to be flexible about change of use so the right scheme does not get blocked prematurely .
23 This example of lens development shows how important it is to follow through the development of any particular organ .
24 When the rough land above Dentdale was enclosed or " occupied " , the road was walled for most of its length ( which shows how important it was in the life of the Dales ) and became known as the Occupation Road .
25 Experience in the United States of America , where legislative history has for many years been much more generally admissible than I am now suggesting , shows how important it is to maintain strict control over the use of such material .
26 it 's not sticky and if you get it all over you shows how cold it must of been in the night , the butter wo n't spread
27 That shows how old it is , there 's no registration on it .
28 The emotional response shows how upsetting it must be for some , but private nursing homes provide good quality care , better than we can provide and cheaper than we can provide .
29 It 's not illegal to buy or own replica guns , a flick through any gun magazine reveals how easy it is to get hold of one .
30 What we need to do is steal his thunder in some way so that he realises how pointless it would be to write a story or even make any of those veiled suggestions that reporters of his ilk seem to be so good at . ’
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