Example sentences of "[vb -s] all [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He is a universal being and is therefore above the pettiness of deception ; he loves all things and he knows all things love him .
2 This covers all furniture and fittings , etc. on the premises .
3 Our reference to ‘ Hotel ’ in this brochure covers all accommodation and does not necessarily distinguish between local classification such as ‘ Aparthotel ’ , ‘ Hostal ’ , ‘ Pension ’ , ‘ Estalagem ’ and ‘ Residencia ’ .
4 The term ‘ antiquities ’ covers all buildings and objects from historical sites , including manuscripts .
5 ( a ) What information the Authority has All rights and obligations attaching to land adjoining a railway .
6 I do n't want to either , Bill , but I must come back on this , I mean Choppy wants all things and wants to be all things to all men .
7 It was one of those West Coast days where the damp drizzle dulls all sound and activity .
8 page a hundred and thirty two , para two twenty eleven in broad er we , we 've put in purposely er sweeping up provision in our catalogue of restrictions , erm which simply says all bylaws and other regulations may be pursuant to the acts and all agreements made pursuant to the bi-laws which reinforce or implement any of the above restrictions
9 I can taste blood running down the back of my throat , then my arms are grabbed and everything just spins all colours and then black .
10 If we consider Out with respect to the conception of metaphor examined above , the desperate sputterings of the main character can be seen as active or ‘ verbal ’ in their metaphoric function : his discourse mobilizes and metaphorizes all others and has only tenuous links with any reality outside its field of operation .
11 His own answer to it was in some ways remarkably similar to those he attacked , for it added up to this : historical study can not bring Jesus down to our own time ; rather , it reveals his strangeness to us , and he loses all colour and significance if we attempt to tear him out of his own historical and religious setting in late Judaism .
12 Once a decision has been made not to aim for ‘ irrevocably fixed exchange rates ’ , the ERM loses all point and credibility .
13 ‘ Unlike them , Sinn Fein regrets all deaths and injuries .
14 Agree that the Solicitors ' Remuneration Order 1972 be amended to provide that the Society may require up to 50% of a client 's profit costs all disbursements and VAT to be paid during the process of application for a Remuneration Certificate , in accordance with guidelines to be issued by the Adjudication and Appeals Committee after consultation with the Lord Chancellor .
15 Derrida as joker undermines all practices and ideas , including his own .
16 UEFA ARE ready to listen to radical new proposals for a European super league , but only if it benefits all clubs and not just the rich elite .
17 UEFA are ready to listen to radical new proposals for a European Super League , but only if it benefits all clubs and not just the rich elite .
18 On the Labour side , there is the Parliamentary Labour Party ( PLP ) which includes all ministers and Labour peers .
19 Train personnel to give them appropriate skills and knowledge ( includes all engineers and technicians in risk awareness training ) .
20 Biomass includes all animal and plant materials-both dead and alive .
21 Find out the APR ( annual percentage rate ) for the loan , which includes all costs and is the true charge for the credit .
22 The first of these influences represents the influence of aggregate demand since the key term , m t , is an economy-wide average : its influence is not specific to one particular market — it affects all markets and hence is not indexed on .
23 ‘ It sleeps all day and most of the night . ’
24 This is exactly the message that fairy tales get across to the child in manifold form : that a struggle against severe difficulties in life in unavoidable , is an intrinsic part of human existence — but that if one does not shy away , but steadfastly meets unexpected and often unjust hardships , one masters all obstacles and at the end emerges victorious .
25 Thus a trade union will have power within an organisation if the union represents all workers and those workers have skills and knowledge that are in short supply .
26 It concentrates the will to God who transcends all particularity and it acts like the kind of short prayer that the Cloud-author recommends : " take bot a litil worde of o silable ; for so it is betir of two , for euer schorter it is , the betir it spirite … is worde schal be ridest on pees or on werre " .
27 He admits that it may be possible to use reason to a limited extent , but he insists that ultimately the existence of God defies all proof and has to be based on faith which transcends reason ..
28 Be careful to ensure that all the original deeds , or examined copies or abstracts thereof , will be handed over , or yourself be very thorough in examining the title , because the Registry normally requires all copies or abstracts to be marked as examined against the original ( including photocopies ) .
29 and they 'll be here half an hour or three quarters of an hour , he smoked four cigarettes , now it takes all day and all night to get rid of them fumes of his cigarettes
30 The information on the form is processed by our advanced computer system , which calculates all tax and National Insurance contributions .
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