Example sentences of "[vb -s] we out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Until then , the platform holds us out against the townscape
2 Gothic horror does the opposite : it frightens us out of our skin , discomforts us and turns what we think we know into something unreal and daunting .
3 All the same , as against the scholars of the Enlightenment , my own general view is that it is precisely the non-rationality of our behaviour which marks us out as human beings .
4 This takes us out of the realm of male-female sexual relationships into another sphere , where such bonds can be used for better communication between individuals , and to foster the link between teacher and pupil .
5 Joanna Quinn 's animation ‘ Girl 's night Out ’ ( 1987 ) leaves hubby behind , and takes us out to ‘ a quiet night with the girls ’ .
6 Which gives us the advantage , and keeps us out of range of their artillery . ’
7 Keeps us out of mischief .
8 Keeps us out of mischief .
9 He calls us out from ourselves like funeral bells .
10 Our adversary lets us out from time to time , to visit other houses , but we rarely enter with power and authority into the heart of the city .
11 Branson 's feeling that ‘ competition is good for the consumer if fares come down , but not good if it puts us out of business ’ constituted a political education of sorts .
12 Teases us out of thought .
13 Now he escorts us out into the rain , along a gravel path , through another locked door and into the annexe where our room is .
14 He has a ready supply , and despite the heavy atmosphere and flat light it carries us out to Langdale .
15 Brings us out in our thousands does n't it ?
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