Example sentences of "[vb -s] they out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And the boyfriend -when the mother kicks them out of the home — the boyfriend says , " Uh-oh , she 's out on the street now , and pregnant . "
2 Well , do you want to go to Phillips and , I mean he kicks them out in two weeks .
3 ‘ He 's driving me nuts about it , and he wants them out by Christmas , ’ North confided .
4 Homework is done by women whose role as unpaid caretakers of a nation 's dependents forces them out of the competition of the job market , and , still needing to earn , into work which is desperately tedious , which has to be carried out in isolation , thus losing for them the only element which makes tedious work bearable — the cameradie of the factory floor .
5 The participation rate has been high and the method of eliciting responses , which identifies individual reactions and then tests them out in two other contexts , has produced a reliable collective record of student experience .
6 She drawls them out with a heavy English accent .
7 The caira spider attracts insects in a similar way and then grabs them out of the air .
8 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ she says to me , as she bundles them out of the front door , ‘ but what can I do ? ’
9 The artists Munch , Strindberg and Hill explored themes of despair and isolation , and this , coupled with a element of chance in their work , marks them out as precursors of the Expressionist movement .
10 And now — ’ she made a typical high-jumpers ' gesture , that which marks them out from all other athletes , raising her arms and stretching her torso , as if taking off to challenge that dappled crossbar .
11 Above all , however accurate such weapons may turn out to be in practice , their yield in terms of blast and fall-out clearly marks them out from ‘ conventional ’ weapons and necessarily entails indiscriminate effects .
12 When it is obvious that the other 11 Governments are prepared to accept the draft before them at Maastricht today and that this Government are not , the Government are confessing to a unique combination of political prejudice and economic weakness which marks them out from the rest of the Community and which marks Britain down in the Community .
13 For all that we have said about the role of the country districts round — which applies as much to northern as to Italian cities — and the close relation , however ambivalent , of religious aspirations and the development of towns , it is in the end their place in the accumulation of wealth which marks them out in this age : they are at once the symbols and the centres of mammon ; in them gathered the moneyers who struck coin and the merchants who exchanged and accumulated it .
14 ‘ Well , that cuts them out of my book , unless , of course , they 're entertaining , witty , rich , and — ’ Here he turned and began to march from the room , saying , ‘ have the sense to appreciate my worth . ’
15 As they mature he leads them out of the harem to an independent existence .
16 ‘ It gets them out of my hair , Mr Fairham , ’ the Governor said .
17 Wh whe where we go in Yorkshire that Stu Stuart usually gets them out of the Cameron the the pub one , where we go and stay and or they 're dealing with you know what he 's like with his deal , he knows if it 's there it 's usually good fun so , you know .
18 the only thing again that I 'm thinking of what if we gets them out of the caravan and we gets them into the car and we 're getting them in and out here and then we gets them back into the car to take them back over and in to the caravan , what if we rip the bloody things ?
19 All sociologists whose work takes them out of the library and brings them into contact with living beings are certain to use the interview in their work .
20 I took your violets home with me and have them in a vase in my room , and Mrs Gracie the housekeeper ( who owns the pug ) takes them out at night as she says they poison the air when one is asleep .
21 Curiously they are mistaken , for though a man may have unsatisfied desires he keeps them out of sight and soon enough he masters them .
22 ‘ Never mind , eh , keeps them out of our way . ’
23 What has happened in the current year is we 've started from no involvement with this particular group of clients , and building up where by the end of the year , our best estimate we 're approaching six hundred clients so then we have a commitment of providing either residential care or some care package which keeps them out of residential care .
24 ‘ As thou canst see , Rome sends them out by the dozen .
25 He singles them out for favour … [ especially ] Arabs for whom he has a particular affection . ’
26 He forces open the door and lets them out into the night .
27 In other cases ( where the claim exceeds the statutory limit or after the expiry of 10 years ) claims are to be directed to the Government , which satisfies them out of moneys provided by Parliament .
28 When the above entry is printed out according to the SIL MANUSCRIPT ( MS ) programme it appears like this : Many people will find it preferable to type the words of their dictionary in alphabetical order so that the computer prints them out in alphabetical order without further programming .
29 and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in .
30 The Moon 's five-way does the following : position one is straightforward humbuckers ; position two coil taps both pickups , leaving just the outer coils operational ; position three activates only the inner coils ; position four gives you the humbuckers in parallel and five puts them out of phase .
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