Example sentences of "[vb -s] at [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This month Jane looks at re-training the older horse and over the next few issues she will be giving invaluable advice on overcoming the most common problems .
2 We have established a pilot plant at our Park Royal Brewery which looks at improving the productivity and yield of our brewhouses , through special filtration processes .
3 The company 's obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act ends at providing a ‘ safe working environment ’ as far as is ‘ reasonably practicable ’ .
4 So , like so many in Irish rugby , he welcomes the arrival of the Irish Exiles project which aims at enrolling the large number of those with Irish qualifications who live in England , Scotland and Wales , and up to year or so ago were almost totally ignored in Ireland .
5 Hahnemann 's first approach to the treatment of disease ( Chapter 6 ) , that of preventive medicine , aims at removing the extrinsic , environmental components .
6 Internal chip design , which began at the same time that HaL Computer Systems Inc started developing its own proprietary 64-bit Sparc chips , aims at producing a 500MHz microprocessor by the fourth quarter of 1996 .
7 Internal chip design , which began at the same time that HaL Computer Systems started developing its own proprietary 64-bit Sparc chips , aims at producing a 500MHz microprocessor part by the fourth quarter of 1996 .
8 This may be contrasted with the second type , the " attitude survey " , which aims at producing an accurate picture of people 's attitudes as a guide to their likely behaviour .
9 For each piece of field research aims at achieving a ‘ scoop ’ which will redound to the anthropologist 's credit , and the more interesting and exciting the raw data the better .
10 To take a specific example , the statement that a direct consequence of a publicly announced and widely believed monetary policy which aims at holding the unemployment rate at U 1 will be a higher expected rate of inflation does not imply the more extreme view that monetary policy can only reduce unemployment below U * ; to the extent that the authorities increase the money supply at a rate in excess of what was generally anticipated .
11 But Wasa Kamel , the coordinator of the project , which is being masterminded by the UN 's Industrial Development Organisation ( UNIDO ) in Vienna , says he aims at helping the developing countries by finding new products fitting their needs .
12 We have then in homoeopathy a system of therapeutics which aims at helping the body 's innate self-healing abilities by the use of remedies derived in the main from the mineral , vegetable and animal realms .
13 This research project aims at providing a systematic treatment of the relationship between money , prices , income , interest rates and exchange rates , taking account of the changing institutional environment and placing the variables in the correct historical context .
14 It aims at binding the members of the community together in a libidinal way as well and employs every means to that end .
15 This aims at rewarding a specified desirable behaviour which competes with undesirable behaviour .
16 It aims at dispelling the myths about old age and at building a network of associations concerned with the issues of aging .
17 It aims at increasing the number of trained programmers from the present 500 a year , to more than 22000 .
18 This union aims at increasing the skills of its members with various training and education schemes .
19 Neural therapy aims at restoring the resting potential of depolarized cells by the injection of small amounts of local anaesthetic ( procaine or xylocaine ) which carries a charge of around + 290 mV , and this sets off a chain of events which aids the restoration of cellular function .
20 Co-operation between the teachers and therapists involved with the child aims at ensuring the formulation of a programme which takes account of all the physical , sensory and cognitive aspects of the child 's development .
21 It aims at amplifying the bare details of physical development and putting these into their context of emotional development and developmental psychology .
22 The sphere of institutions undertake to maintain the process which aims at reproducing the idea of a common consciousness among the people .
23 STAGE PRESENCE Lowden LSE-11 Lowden 's thin-bodied stage'n'studio acoustic aims at striking the perfect balance between acoustic tone and amplified usability …
24 As we saw when we discussed the principles of homoeopathy , treatment by similars aims at improving the body 's resistance to diseases and expects to cure from within , out .
25 But if efficiency ultimately aims at improving the quality of our life , there is surely another , more important , kind of efficiency here , in the holistic practice of these women and men .
26 Miss Sowerby — by now an enthusiastic convert — and I had taken turns at massaging the damaged calf muscles , and suddenly I said to him , ‘ Jimbo , just imagine it 's you that 's making the muscles move . ’
27 Yet if she plays at telling the truth , she also plays with the telling of the truth .
28 Eliot , who says that while the reader works at subduing the difficulty of a poem , the poem is doing its emotional work on him .
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