Example sentences of "[vb -s] at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All the options came out filling Sweden 's energy needs at a cost of between $5.5 and $7 billion per year , or from 2 to 2.9 cents per kWh .
2 It will also cut training needs at a time when people no longer want to serve long apprenticeships .
3 This applies particularly to public libraries , which aim to satisfy a wide range of reading needs at a number of different levels .
4 Departments , being responsible for the subjects in which modules are taught , have information needs at the subject committee level .
5 Does he agree that such twin torture is the very last thing that British business needs at the moment ?
6 Harriet Harman , shadow Treasury chief secretary , said : ‘ The last thing the country needs at the moment is a dogfight in the Cabinet and that is what has been going on . ’
7 Well I think we 'll have to re-look at the whole question of village envelopes in certain cases , where it is decided that low cost housing is desirable , and see if in some way , they can encourage the farmer to make land available so that he can make some money which he badly needs at the moment , as agriculture 's going through one of the biggest depressions it 's been through for years .
8 Best of south west waters at the moment .
9 At British general elections , vote counts are reported at constituency level only , so that where a party gets its votes is largely unknown ( though party workers have efficient ways of estimating the geography of their support when acting as scrutineers at the count ) .
10 Viewers , it seems , buy the sets to watch action replays at the ball-game .
11 A pulse beats at the top of her long , white neck , under her chin .
12 ‘ Did you know ’ , Matilda said suddenly , ‘ that the heart of a mouse beats at the rate of six hundred and fifty times a minute ? ’
13 In marketing terms it 's a tremendous card to play erm our marketing line in the States was always ‘ we speak your language , a common heritage , a common culture erm almost a common language ’ and erm the special relationship really exits at a time like this to a very marked degree , and we shall be playing that for all it 's worth , certainly .
14 The Duchess of Kent , as Patron of the Royal Northern College of Music , presides at the launch of their Appeal ; opens Phase of the Manchester Science Park ; and attends the South Manchester Health Authority 's Annual Nurse Prize Giving Ceremony .
15 His bust , crowned with fresh bay leaves , presides at the side of the stage , and if he is looking down from Valhalla , let us hope he is pleased to be proved wrong .
16 Since his recent appointment Mr Clayton has at no time had access to any medical evidence relating to the nine children .
17 In such cases the district judge may , unless the application has at a party 's request been referred to the judge ( Ord 19 , r 2(5) ( b ) ) , on hearing the application ( usually at the pre-trial review ) refer the matter to a district judge for arbitration ( N 19 ) .
18 Whilst guidance on suitable mechanisms for multidisciplinary collaboration has at the level of planning been published , the use of mechanisms to co-ordinate information and assessment at the level of practice has been actively discouraged .
19 From the pre-crisis level of DM2.83 = £1 and US$2 = £1 , the pound has at the date of writing declined by some 14% against the DM ( or 17.5% below its central rate of 2.95 ) , a similar amount against the US$ , and 12% against its trade-weighted index .
20 We shall even consider him in whatever new role he has at the time .
21 Italy has at the moment no Bruce Chatwin or Paul Theroux , and the history of Italian travel-writing belongs more to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries than to the nineteenth or twentieth , but it is possible to discern an interest in the imaginative and expressive possibilities of travel-writing in the work of some contemporaries who are not travel-writers as such .
22 South Africa has at the moment six Rottweiler specialist breed clubs , who are affiliated to the Kennel Union of South Africa : one in the Western Cape Province , one in the Eastern Cape Province , one in Durban , Natal and three in the Transvaal Province centred in and around Johannesburg .
23 And the answer 'll be no , cos nothing has at the moment .
24 You are the English guest that madame has at the farm , n'est-ce pas ?
25 It is rather a perspective that recognizes and takes full account of the reality of such crime within the world and which stands at a distance from it .
26 Rolls-Royce 's order book stands at a record £7 billion .
27 It stands at a point where firm ground lies close to the river Derwent , and from olden times has been the site of an important river crossing , first by ferry , later by bridge .
28 Moreover , there is not so much to smell when you are flying high up and away from the scents and aromas that cling to the Earth — or even if , like man , your nose stands at a height of five or six feet , rarely bending towards the ground .
29 Stukeley 's brief description ( p. 84 , Vol. i ) reads ‘ Brigcasterton … was fenced about with a deep mote on two sides , the river supplying its use on the other two ; for it stands at an angle , and the Romans made a little curve in the road here on purpose to take it in , as it offered itself so conveniently , then rectified the obliquity on the other side of the town ; it consists of one street running through its length upon the road ; the great ditch and banks are called the Dikes .
30 The key to Bigorre , geographically , is Lourdes , which stands at the head of the valley of the Gave de Pau , at a point where the river makes a sudden lunge to the west having long ago found its way north blocked by moraine .
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