Example sentences of "[vb -s] that he want " in BNC.

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1 He thinks that he wants a reconciliation , and up to a point he does ; but what he hopes most of all is that Alfred will give his blessing to the new play he has written — a drama of sibling rivalry called Brother Mine .
2 ED BICKNELL is manager of Dire Straits who he says that he wanted to represent within five minutes of seeing them live .
3 James 's book rather rewrites history when he says that he wanted Niki to think he 'd been psyched out .
4 Widely known for his anti-Maastricht politics , Fillon says that he wants to avoid ‘ getting bogged down at the EC level … whose cumbersome procedures put a damper on the research community ’ .
5 He says that he wants a woman who wo n't mind a romantic involvement .
6 Kevin Morris says that he wants to get the boat journey over with first because last time they were so ill coming back .
7 William says that he wants to win and then hopefully look towards the world championship and then the next Europeans … it 's been a good year so far so he hopes it ends like that anyway
8 In his home town , Mr Edwards is a noted singer and says that he wants to go down in the programme as performing a selection of songs from Carousel and also Holy City .
9 At seventeen , he announces that he wants to spend his whole life in a ruined castle by the sea .
10 Although his head and body are bent towards her in paternal concern , their tension indicates that he wants to be elsewhere ; away from hysterical females , generally , and , in particular , at his lunchdate with the Chinese antique dealer who has hinted over the telephone that he has some particularly fine pieces of Ban Chieng that the National Museum will never see hidden away in his back room .
11 He admits that he wants to continue fighting for the respect , and honour it endows his name .
12 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
13 Best thing that could happen would be that Wilko signs the lon term contract and then 4–6 months into it decides that he wants out say to go and play with Terry Vegatables at England .
14 The Prime Minister claims that he wants to be at the heart of Europe , but his real objective is a bypass operation .
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