Example sentences of "[vb -s] to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Ken wanted to rake David to this thing on his own and David , being very , very cold — he hates demonstrations of emotion — and me being very Mediterranean , I told him that as far as I was concerned , I did n't give a fuck about his award or seeing him receive it , but I thought it was a bit much that his mother could n't be there because it was a public occasion and it was a time when , without having to speak to her , he could be nice to her , as every mother loves to be there for that kind of thing .
2 ‘ Everything was just perfect , ’ he said , ‘ but when one is fortunate enough to come to the Chewton Glen , it has to be right … the standard is so high .
3 Anything that feels this good has to be right … ’ he said softly , lifting her into his arms and elbowing his way into his bedroom .
4 As shown in the figure , the DNA has to be partially unzipped to allow this .
5 Everyone has to be neatly packaged into defined groups .
6 ‘ She has to be extra careful in view of her past medical history with this illness , ’ said Dr Roth last night .
7 The area in which blending-in has to be most immediate is employment : factory workers have to be Tennesseans , Kentuckians or Geordies , dealt with in their own way .
8 The general rule is that the more combustible your wall is , the greater distance it has to be away from the boundary .
9 The annual models provide good publicity at the Motor Show , but surely there is a limit to what can be done to a car that has to be instantly recognisable by its shape ?
10 So whatever you use has to be instantly recognisable .
11 ‘ She 's rather old , so one has to be frightfully careful , but I know you will be .
12 The same is true of exx.1b and 1c from the ‘ Jupiter ’ Symphony , since a note has to be reasonably short for the stroke to be perceived as staccato sign , shorter certainly than a dotted minim in allegretto or tied semibreves in any tempo .
13 Even if it seems inappropriately mentioned , any fall used as part of the design has to be carefully worked out .
14 More seriously , the possible repatination of an otherwise quite genuine piece has to be carefully considered in authenticity studies , and demonstrates again the importance of a close acquaintance with antiquities generally , and an especial awareness of the potential vicissitudes that could have befallen them .
15 In my business , Captain Meredith , everything has to be carefully checked and checked again .
16 It is possible to store such an amazing amount of information , but this has to be carefully organised on the disk to make it possible to find files easily .
17 Althusser faces this question , but warns that it has to be carefully formulated if it is to illuminate the process of the production of knowledges .
18 Each one has to be carefully designed .
19 Because of the nature of scientific work , much of the earlier " practical " work has to be carefully structured and supervised , especially when it involves the possibility of dangerous accident .
20 In particular the idea of a ‘ promotion culture ’ which has to be carefully managed is to be explored .
21 Rather , each place has to be carefully arranged , on an individual basis , matching staff interests , level and availability with providers ' timetables and own internal demands .
22 The test itself has to be carefully looked at .
23 ( It should be noted that Article 3(5) of the Directive does not actually state whether the land designated has to be inherently poor in addition to being affected by specific handicaps ; neither does it define ‘ specific handicaps ’ .
24 A socalled abstract or dance ballet has to be both thought and felt if the partnership between the often-dead composer and the living interpreters is to make sense .
25 The image has to be both of the politician and of the party .
26 For this reason the message of the Kingdom has to be both proclaimed as fact and promise .
27 Now a custom or usage has to be both the norm for behaviour and such that the parties treat it as obligatory .
28 Cutler 's insufficiently dialectical treatment of the forces/relations nexus reaches its biggest problem in his discussion of the recording form itself , which has to be both the ‘ ultimate ’ musical commodity and to offer creative liberation .
29 The difficulty is that a recruitment system has to be both a production system and an information system , and this is what makes it so much more complex than personnel records .
30 France and Spain , okay , if you only got one of those countries right we could n't give you the point , it has to be both , question eighteen , in which book would you find the character Long John Silver ?
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