Example sentences of "[vb -s] in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Surface waters in contact with melting ice tend to be very thinly populated with zooplankton .
2 Yes , Mr Gorbachev would say , but look at the capitalist misery it causes in places like Poland and eastern Germany .
3 The upshot is a version of what is known as preference utilitarianism , for which what counts in favour of an act is not that it promotes a kind of experience known as pleasure or prevents a kind of experience called pain , but that it provides people with what they would prefer to have and prevents their having what they would prefer not to have .
4 The range of possible scientometric measures involving the use of citation counts in association with other factors is large , but the field is so fluid at present that many recent papers suggest new combinations of factors , whereas there is often no theoretical basis for these measures .
5 An alternative explanation is that liver disease itself might be a major factor but we have not found high pitted red cell counts in patients with chronic active hepatitis or primary biliary cirrhosis ( Muller and Toghill , unpublished observations ) .
6 He counts in time with each step : one-two-three-four , following a pace behind Babur .
7 The functions were derived from standard maps of our own previous ganglion cell counts in retinae of M. multatta ( Fig. 2 ) .
8 The significance of the find lies in identification of the villa with the Lucrezi family and the evidence that this area once formed part of Pompeii 's suburbs .
9 Escape from this bind lies in involvement of whole communities in expanding post-16 experience of quality — a huge development ground for partnership .
10 The primary remedy of the purchaser of a defective product lies in contract against the retailer .
11 Having considered the intrinsic nature of the problem presented in this appeal , and having consulted the relevant authorities , my conclusion … is that an action lies in negligence for damages in respect of purely economic loss , provided that it was a reasonably foreseeable and direct consequence of failure in a duty of care .
12 The Act does not as a matter of law preclude a court from holding that an action for negligence lies in favour of a person who could formerly have brought an action based on loss of services but in view of the current law on economic loss it seems most unlikely that such a development will occur .
13 If the value is large and positive the equilibrium lies in favour of the reactants .
14 Underwater , their nymph is just as efficient a predator and unlike the roaming adult , it lies in ambush for other insect nymphs , and larvae , for other aquatic bugs , and even for young fish fry .
15 For Mailer , Lawrence 's greatness lies in part in his heroic struggle against his destiny , which was to be homosexual : ‘ he had become a man by an act of will , he was bone and blood of the classic family stuff out of which homosexuals are made , he had lifted himself out of his natural destiny which was probably to have the sexual life of a woman ’ ( p. 154 ) .
16 The answer lies in part in the social position of the reformers who belonged to the professional rather than the employing middle class : they were social workers , teachers , social scientists , philosophers , clerics , doctors , and psychologists , the majority of whom were distanced from the realities of the labour-market .
17 The evidential value of the record lies in part in its context both to other records and within the organisation .
18 The only real , the only true wealth lies in friends in abundance , company in plenty , comfort in abandon , love overflowing : what have these things to do with money ? — except that we cheat and lie and use money to acquire them ; knowing no other way to do it .
19 In 8 , Abercorn Avenue , Rita Ablewhite lies in bed in the dark .
20 Two in the morning , and John lies in bed in the dark .
21 This is cheating the system after all ; a system that has provided you with education , health care , roads , even the clean water which now lies in puddles on the kitchen floor .
22 Earthquake experts like to talk about what lies in store for New York City .
23 It 's too early to tell what lies in store for The Cranberries .
24 TWO former Barnsley team-mates kicked off the new season with mixed emotions — wondering just what lies in store for them .
25 Whatever the entry says is what lies in store for the opener .
26 Accordingly , to deal with this situation , the Act provides that an ‘ action lies in conversion for loss or destruction of goods which a bailee has allowed to happen in breach of his duty to his bailor ( that is to say it lies in a case which is not otherwise conversion , but would have been detinue before detinue was abolished ) . ’
27 One alternative to such phrases lies in expressions of your own which are intended to convey more genuine , original response , but which within the overall register of academic essay-writing can sound uncritical or even gushing : " brilliant " , " fantastic " , " really wonderful " , " quite magical " , " unbelievably beautiful " .
28 There is no generally agreed explanation for how dowsing works and some consider that the answer lies in emanations from whatever is being sought .
29 It is in the fact that a golden thread methodology may be a two-stage operation that its potential value lies in relation to the issue of women .
30 The Social Work Department 's involvement with homelessness lies in relation to Community Care legislation .
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