Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] and has " in BNC.

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1 So , a person with a higher than normal cholesterol concentration carries a relatively low risk if he/she does not smoke , has low blood pressure , is not overweight , exercises regularly and has no history of heart disease in the family .
2 The Night Goblin just hangs on and has no effect upon the Squig 's determination .
3 It travels easily and has taken a tremendous shine to Australia , where it is planted successfully in all wine areas .
4 She just fires off and has n't really grown up .
5 A particularly friendly , informal atmosphere prevails here and has kept this small hotel popular with Citalia guests over many years .
6 She rarely goes out and has never been beyond the street she lives in on her own .
7 A loose girl who sleeps around and has got herself pregnant !
8 Her father , whom she obviously dotes on and has the highest respect for , thinks he 's a highly suspicious character — he and Andropulos have n't spoken for years .
9 Not only is the real value of the capital slowly being eroded by inflation , but the income paid to investors falls too and has done , dramatically , in recent months .
10 Today , Alexei is pale , tires easily and has frequent colds and infections but , despite the continual doses of radiation he receives in the food he eats , the water he drinks , he is still in reasonable health .
11 ‘ It pays well and has brought valuable jobs , but if the demand for slate drops they will close us down without a second thought , ’ one said .
12 Queenie then turns round and has to try and identify who is hiding the ball .
13 Now and again life will give you this exact shape but 99% of the time it does n't and has to be reinvented .
14 So the fact that the vehicle has been out on shall we a mor a morning delivery and the the back shift man comes in and has a look at it , he would then have to do it all again .
15 However , it exists , works well and has benefited a great many users , particularly in education and training applications .
16 They 're invariably punctual , because one of their men works there and has been put in funds in advance .
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