Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] over the " in BNC.

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1 Many of them just lie there helplessly until somebody manhandles them over the side of the boat .
2 Then the orderly beats him over the head , pumps a couple of .38 's into Mahoney with a silenced gun , turns round and walks out .
3 Other satellites are in a near-polar orbit which takes them over the Arctic and Antarctic regions .
4 just got ta put something in that in the coursework and the exams that sort of gets you over the forty percent barrier and in psychology it 's not that difficult to sort of waffle your way up to forty percent erm without wishing ma to make it sound too easy erm
5 It starts at Ivybridge in south Devon , takes you over the wilds of Dartmoor through mid-Devon and on across Exmoor to finish at the coastal resort of Lynmouth .
6 The two hour drive from Zurich to Hinterzarten takes you over the Swiss/German border at Koblenz/Waldshut and the scenery is truly spectacular .
7 It even takes you over the hill into
8 Even when he makes mistakes he does it in a way that still brings results and takes him over the gain line .
9 Ball 's booking after a rash challenge on West Ham 's Stuart Slater , takes him over the 31 penalty point mark and earns him an automatic two-match ban .
10 At the same time the bar is being pushed inland by the sea , which erodes material from the outside of the bar and , in times of storm , flings it over the bar on to the marsh .
11 In doing this , he takes us over the ground first , telling us what to expect , what to look for , so that when the hurricane does hit it hits us harder :
12 Mean Malcolm whistles at him , an old lady helps him over the road , teacher expects his writing to be tidy and he has to read the part of the spineless Rapunzel .
13 He shrugs off the jacket of his suit and drapes it over the back of a chair .
14 ‘ Well , he never lets anyone over the door and he sees to himself for the most part .
15 One of the other stock-market listed football clubs , Tottenham Hotspur , capitalises the cost of its players ' registrations and , after allowing for estimated residual values , amortises them over the period of the respective players ' contracts .
16 Then , with delicate movements of his webbed hind feet , toes distended so that they form a fan , he gathers up the eggs and gently spreads them over the female 's back .
17 All that we said in Part 2 about exploiting the control video gives us over the material is as relevant to the teacher trainer as it is to the teacher .
18 So he confuses their language and scatters them over the face of all the earth .
19 From the loaf I have taken with me I tear off several pieces of crust and toss them one by one into the current , which carries them over the spot where the chub surfaced .
20 The continuing emphasis on family relationships may well affect the way Japan copes with the rapid ageing of the population which faces her over the next three decades .
21 Anne watches him over the table in that brooding speculative way of hers , as if he were a long-pondered clue in a half-completed crossword .
22 Ironically , Gough 's rash challenge on Ferguson at Tannadice resulted in a booking which carries him over the disciplinary points threshold and costs Rangers the services of their captain when they visit Arbroath for the Scottish Cup , quarter-final tie on 6 March .
23 There , in the company computer , he imagines he will find tons of choice titbits such as upcoming record store appearances or release dates for new singles — information that will make him a real idol otaku king when he transmits it over the networks to other idol-loving otaku .
24 And er to avoid a collision and in fact I think they did strike but I 'm not really sure , but to avoid a collision this one then goes over the other side of the road , picks up this Ford Orion coming the over way , rolls it over the bank , and it goes underneath the tractive unit of the artic .
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