Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] men [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 She also thinks that men tend to choose women who make up for their own shortcomings .
2 But presumably that balance is n't something that 's encouraged either by the discipline of the job , or by a culture that assumes that men do n't have to take on responsibility for those things because women do .
3 The argument for feminist education , free from male control , is not as a remedial exercise , it is because we have important work to do together , from which we can not afford to be distracted by the interference and destruction we know happens when men remain in control .
4 I do not know what happens when men feel the ecstasy that Thoreau experienced , but it is one of the highest joys known to man .
5 Comment : Research shows that men interrupt women far more than they do other men .
6 Simply counting heads reveals that men appear far more frequently in pictures , illustrations , examples , maths problems and examination questions .
7 When men and women are talking together , for example , it seems that men interrupt more , talk more , swear more and use more imperatives ; whereas women ask more questions and tend to use more polite forms of speech .
8 Although the effects of loss vary from one individual to another , on the whole it seems that men tend to fare a little better in bereavement than women , and fewer of them are found to be in need of psychiatric treatment for chronic grief and depression .
9 And because 59% of men regret divorce ( but only 29% of women ) , it seems that men do n't recognise marriage as a good thing when they have it .
10 As well as producing data on the two sexes that is not directly comparable , this is surely simplistic , suggesting as it does that men do n't have intimate conversations ( and women do n't have large scale confrontations ) .
11 Felix Lunt , a health visitor working in Rotherham , with experience of running a well-man clinic , believes that men miss out when it comes to routine health screening and body awareness .
12 Domestic resources are not equally shared either , which suggests that men benefit from the division of domestic labour at the expense of women .
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