Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 He adds that it is not in the traders ' interests for the elephants to die out .
2 Tom adds that it is very important for young horses to have their teeth checked before they are bitted and broken ; racehorses usually have their first session at two years-old .
3 The company adds that it is already benefiting from increased efficiency and expects a large return on its financial investment in Weldon .
4 He adds that it is nature 's intention , for the purposes of generation , that some foetuses should turn out female .
5 ( The reviewer adds that it is ‘ high time ’ the director of the ensemble in question ‘ took some notice ’ of such criticisms a clear indication , if any were needed , of the Early music reviewers ' sense that reviews address performers directly and can even be used to call them to account . )
6 DR Ayles adds that it is vital to keep a sense of proportion .
7 In the first debate , ‘ top-down ’ makes the international system wholly dominant and ‘ bottom-up ’ retorts that it is the sum of what nations do .
8 There must be some gain to the citizen , however minimal , in living under a constitution which regularises the way in which power is exercised ; even where government is authoritarian , it matters that it is not arbitrary .
9 For example , training emphasises that it is essential to ‘ help the clients help themselves ’ .
10 The Holy Father emphasises that it is through addressing the concerns of the poor … responding at a human level to the results of poverty and questioning , at many levels , the causes of poverty … that peace , with justice , can be achieved .
11 Editor , — Fritz H Schröder rightly emphasises that it is not known whether treatment of early prostatic cancer is beneficial or whether screening for the disease offers any advantage .
12 In fact , so committed is RUC management to the principle of community policing that , in addition to specialist units , the new code of professional ethics specifies that it is the duty of all policemen and women to understand ‘ those particular community needs and problems which can cause concern and friction ’ , and be sensitive to ‘ the various public viewpoints , including historical and cultural backgrounds ’ .
13 — Dashing half the blood of sacrifice ( verse 6 ) against the altar signifies that it is by means of shed blood that the people can come into the presence of God .
14 Ramsey writes that it is
15 In the text James Mill writes that it is ‘ obvious , and certain , that men were led to class solely for the purpose of economizing in the use of names ’ :
16 Indeed , in an essay which may be read as a gloss on aspects of S/Z ( with which it is roughly contemporary ) , ‘ The Death of the author ’ , Barthes writes that it is the reader , and not the author , who constitutes the only focus for the multiple writings and codes of which the text is made up : ‘ The reader is the space on which all the quotations that make up a writing are inscribed without any of them being lost ’ ( 1977b : 148 ) .
17 The now defunct Battersea Power Station ran on a CHP principle which illustrates that it is feasible .
18 The variety of comment illustrates that it is not possible for outsiders to specify criteria of competent practice without indulging in prescriptive evaluation .
19 While Strathclyde records the highest numbers of the most serious offences , the survey highlights that it is not alone in suffering steep rises in violent crime .
20 The Taranaki coach , Ian Snook , accepts that it is a hard task trying to keep Bedford afloat but , sink or swim , he will be grateful for any signs of improvement .
21 He accepts that it is impossible for mortal man to lay claim to attain , or to possess , perfect Truth .
22 In Greek tragedy , in most of Jane Austen 's novels , a leading figure in the drama realises with a sense of shock that the world is other than once imagined , and accepts that it is so .
23 He forbids divorce , but implicitly accepts that it is a man who initiates divorce , ‘ the man who divorces his wife …
24 So how do you try a new song to make sure that it blends that it 's what you want to do that it 's different how do what where do you try if you do n't try on stage ?
25 In discussing the question of the possible use of the atomic bomb , Farrar-Hockley concludes that it is unlikely that the bombs could have been used in Korea without prior consultation , as ‘ honour and American political interest would have combined to militate against such a course ’ ( p. 386 ) .
26 He concludes that it is by faith .
27 The Fallacy of Carpe Diem is a falsely reasoned argument which concludes that it is best to enjoy the momentary pleasure , and have no thought for the consequences it may bring .
28 We can therefore see that certain aspects of economic practice depend upon the so-called superstructure , as well as the other way round , and Althusser concludes that it is a serious error to neglect this aspect of Marx 's theory .
29 Beccaria starts by looking at the justification of the right to punish ; he concludes that it is to be found in the social contract whose central tenet he declares to be ‘ the greatest happiness of the greatest number ’ ( it is possible that he is responsible for originating this particular cliché ) .
30 The robot concludes that it is at the summit , and stops .
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