Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 Le Grand , for example , insists that for egalitarian policies to succeed , ‘ it is necessary to reduce the hold of the ideology of inequality on people 's values and beliefs and this can only be done by challenging the factual underpinnings of that ideology . ’
32 Grace insists that for most of his life Herbert 's associates , girl friends and other friends were not Jews .
33 erm Darwin says in the origin , and I 'm sorry I ca n't read it to you , but I was desperately looking for the quotation in the origin before I can and I could n't find it but I assure you it 's there erm in which he remarks that in all probability the periods of time during which species are not changing is probably very large compared with those periods when change is taking place .
34 The story goes that in colonial times , La Paz 's upper classes used to hold a three-day festival in the main square , graciously dispensing banknotes and coins to their children and servants .
35 4.25 Regular internal review of residents ' progress should take place when an escalation of aggression occurs or at any time an officer in charge considers appropriate .
36 It so happens that for some distance the Gill itself forms the boundary between that estate and the Manor of Coniston , although it is possible that the boundary between the two manors was rather ill-defined at that time .
37 " For it often happens that in such discussions , in order to promote the common good , talk has nevertheless centred on a single individual . "
38 It so happens that in this example , ( 1 ) and ( 3 ) are false .
39 She says that between three and four thousand people in the country have so far registered complaints about the drug with their solicitors — they will have to be examined before any action is taken to get expert advice on how probable it is that their problem was caused by the Myodil injections .
40 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks among the warring Unix camps , which appear to be being sponsored by Unix International Inc , says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp with Windows NT , the initiative still lacks the compulsion that galvanised the part of the industry — led by those that saw Unix primarily as a threat — to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
41 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks that Unix International seems to be sponsoring ( UX No 423 , 424 ) says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp , the project still lacks the compulsion that galvanized the industry to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
42 Apart from choosing the breed , mum says that for maximum compatibility , why do n't owners select a dog from a star sign suitable to their own ( eg Capricorn owner with a Taurean or Virgo dog ) .
43 JD says that for some reason the rails also seem to amplify the high frequencies , but ca n't say why .
44 Tradition says that with other Covenanters he was hanged from the upstairs window of the house that still stands at the north-west corner of Mauchline Cross .
45 A new survey by a firm called Nurseries at Work also says that with booming European trade , firms are having to consider providing child-care for working mothers .
46 Pat McGeough says that with fixed term contracts , people are wondering whether their contract will be renewed at the end of the season .
47 He says that with better marketing , the firm would increase sales of Landsat data abroad , launching new satellites when necessary .
48 The health authority says that with more drugs misuse in society it is vital that drugs-related services and professionals are constantly updated on development and trends so that they could best help those in need .
49 Leicester City Council says that with forty thousand light bulbs to install it does n't really have any alternative to starting so early .
50 ‘ He says that of all people who would know how to use best this money , it 's you . ’
51 Pete says that on one flight recently he was up in the air for nine hours so you have to take food and drink with you to keep going … in this country survival is not a problem but it can be hard when you 're flying across deserts and things like that
52 The mechanic says that on that year the truck the part was handcrafted in Zogmolia near Flelzonia and not only is it double reverse threaded but that its made from a rare alloy rendered from toxic wastes in New Jersey ; however , he has assured me while trying to hold back a laugh and spraying spittle all over me he knows a junk yard on Mars where he can get the part soon .
53 A handwritten memo in the Public Record Office says that on 30 October Mayne was ordered to leave the railway alone and concentrate on destroying petrol supplies .
54 Investigators says that on this occasion he was also flying too low .
55 Investigators says that on this occasion he was also flying too low .
56 Peter Paterson says that at first he was reluctant to write this biography .
57 He says that at first clients refused to believe it could be done so fast — some need to be convinced that it 's not just science fiction .
58 He says that at first he wanted to kill those responsible , but now he realises they 'll suffer enough by losing their freedom .
59 He says that at first the male bird inspected the hole , then the pair started excavating .
60 In fact , Hoskins says that at first the film role did n't appeal to him .
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