Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The things that work — harvest festivals , Armistice Sunday , pancakes on Shrove Tuesday , all the details about who sits where at weddings and how you do that kind of thing — things which I suppose the more strictly religious people might regard as rather to one side of the central questions .
2 bottom of these reports why ca n't you make it into a a pu er er a a joint teacher pupil comment , it is n't just a , it is n't in the same form it 's just the same that the pupil writes that with guidance
3 She writes that in August 1941 , before the Final Solution orders were given , Goebbels complained to Hitler that ‘ Antonescu proceeds in these matters in a far more radical fashion than we have done up to the present . ’
4 Like many other academic initiatives , it seems to have gone largely unnoticed at the time , and its historical importance has been perhaps exaggerated by those who live between the covers of books , yet it illustrates that in Germany freedom is considered primarily as freedom from an occupying power , from external political domination .
5 About three-quarters of it was concentrated in the Ruhr and Saar-Lorraine area and by 1913 she could meet all her own metal needs except in tinplate .
6 On a small scale , this shift mirrors that in Eliot 's poetry from ‘ vegetation ceremonies ’ to the Christian rituals of Ash-Wednesday .
7 Jo accepts that despite Craig 's well-publicised engagement to his former co-star Rachel Friend , his fans will scrutinise every leading lady who crosses his path as a possible new love interest .
8 ( 2 ) The Panel accepts that for reasons of secrecy it is not prudent to make enquiries so as to include in an announcement details of the target 's shares held by other parts of an adviser 's group ( the adviser acting in concert with the offeror for these purposes ) .
9 The law respects the right of the shareholders to determine the objectives of their association through contract and accepts that by virtue of their capital contributions they should be regarded as the owners of the company .
10 It says , The report concludes that on balance , the most appropriate area of research for a new settlement Greater York is the corridor along the A sixty four T on the North East of York .
11 Bretton concludes that in Africa generally , ‘ the public service , in particular the middle and upper level officials , are turned into a privileged social class that soon develops a vested interest in construction of strong defences against rival claimants from less favoured segments of the population ’ ( Bretton 1973 , p. 222 ) .
12 Mathesius ( quoted in Firbas , 1974 : 17 ) compares English and Czech in this respect and concludes that in English , the grammatical principle ( i.e. syntax ) plays the leading role in the hierarchy of word order principles and that ‘ English differs from Czech in being so little susceptible to the requirements of FSP as to frequently disregard them altogether ’ .
13 Richards holds that in poetry the function of " feeling " tends to dominate that of " sense " , while Jakobson identifies a special " poetic " function , which can be found in many uses of language , but which dominates over other functions in poetry .
14 Does that happen when you 're say , your extension rings , and somebody rings and in fact nothing happens .
15 He 's so determined , so forceful — he does what he wants and to hell with the consequences !
16 For example , if progressive income tax rates ( or thresholds ) are not adjusted , more and more people will be pushed into higher tax bands because of rises in their money incomes even though their real incomes remain unchanged .
17 Otherwise you can only tuck insulating tape in the cracks or fit draught-proofing strips as for doors .
18 The enumeration tree now looks as in Fig. 11.2 if nodes 5 and 6 are ignored .
19 It starts as for Ziggerat , climbs direct to the first roof , pulls through this and continues up the steep wall to the next roof which is passed by very difficult bridging .
20 They also found The Song of the Shirt , HS , which starts as for Nightride .
21 In an attempt to halt the confusion arising from different media tallies , Comelec had prohibited all unauthorized vote counts as of midday on May 15 .
22 He thinks that in Chiang Mai alone 30,000 people are infected with HIV .
23 When one thinks that in France the present generation has seen neither court gowns nor a ceremony of this sort and that , with very few exceptions , the ladies of high society do not come to the Tuileries , one is struck by the fact that everything should pass off so well and without lending itself to too much mockery .
24 I 'm afraid the board thinks that in view of your now unacceptably high profile it would be better to — er — temporarily , of course , sever your connection with the company — ’
25 Although Newcastle is having to run very hard to catch up with the mechanics of community care , Roycroft thinks that in terms of the spirit of the act , the city is already way ahead .
26 Indeed , Stalin records that as part of his ten year plan for the 1990s , glam rock will return ‘ for the positive benefit of the proletariat ’ .
27 As for Philips , Foxe records that like Judas ‘ He not long time after enjoyed the price of innocent blood , but was consumed at last by lice . ’
28 The University will do its best to avoid large increases and guarantees that for students on course , fees will not rise by an amount larger than the annual rate of academic inflation .
29 It is a notable achievement , especially for a left-wing ‘ class-firster ’ ; but Ms Magas understands that in places like ex-Yugoslavia — and perhaps not only there — nation still matters more than class .
30 At the bottom of its cash flow statement for the year ended 31 March 1992 , the travel agency , transport and financial services group remarks that in accordance with FRS 1 , cash and cash equivalents do not include money market deposits with an original maturity date of more than three months .
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