Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If not , and he 's picking the frog out of everyone who has or is still playing for the team , surely Strachan 's contribution far outweighs anything done by the Frog .
2 Slowly add the 1:1 nitric acid to the mercuric nitrate with constant stirring until the milky precipitate just dissolves or is just about to — approximately 8 drops of acid is usually sufficient .
3 Bill supposes that is how these things are done .
4 It has cushion covers that are easily removable for dry cleaning and the sofa comes complete with two matching scatter cushions .
5 The South American and the African weakly electric fish are quite unrelated to each other , but both live in the same kinds of waters in their respective continents , waters that are too muddy for vision to be effective .
6 Five hundred and thirty pounds in cash and a gold buckle ring of sentimental value were also taken by the heartless thieves , but it is the wedding rings that are most important to the woman and her fiance .
7 Butter knives that had no handles , Copper keys that fit no locks , Rings that were too small for fingers , Dried-up leaves and patched-up socks .
8 She left him to prowl restlessly through the family photographs that were prominently displayed as she first took a shower then dithered over what to wear .
9 This , I have found , is mainly due to lighting chokes that are only fitted with twin core flex with no earth .
10 Do n't wear perfume when sunbathing — even skins that are n't usually sensitive may develop a rash or brown marks when exposed to the sun .
11 A new home for the museum exhibits that are seldom seen .
12 Species of Class III , such as , which can be regarded as a dimer , show sharp IVCT bands that are not affected by solvent , whereas Class II species such as give broad IVCT bands whose energy is sensitive to solvent .
13 He succeeded by dint of the radical policy of booking bands that were vaguely contemporary , at least moderately interesting and which common sense along suggested would pull a respectable crowd .
14 Commenting on the rather storm-damaged third quarter figures , Sun Microsystems Inc chief financial officer Kevin Melia said ‘ profitability was below the year-ago level due to gross margin declines that were partially offset by tightly controlled growth in operating expenses .
15 Commenting on some rather storm-damaged third quarter figures ( see opposite ) , Sun Microsystems Inc chief financial officer Kevin Melia said ‘ Profitability was below the year-ago level due to gross margin declines that were partially offset by tightly controlled growth in operating expenses .
16 Almost 100 new companies had been formed , and Schach had been able to secure over a million pounds in bank guarantees to finance not only such expensive disasters as Dreaming Lips , Love from a Stranger and The Marriage of Gorbal , but even films that were never made .
17 There may well be all sorts of deviations and fluctuations here ; the whole system expands and becomes complicated , develops and is continuously in motion and oscillating but , taken as a whole , it is in a state of equilibrium .
18 but it cuts across , no there there comes a point where the of this world say oh am I allowed to do this , am I allowed to do that if you 've been here for more than three years right and it 's particularly prevalent in Scotland , oh are we allowed to do that , oh I did n't know and that 's old that is. old to a certain extent you know , she 's been around longer than has and been around but influenced by who 's been around a long time you see that 's where we get it , you see we do n't get the initiative coming in that area we get we get the oh Christ , bloody hell let's shove that one out the way that 's a national account .
19 He failed to win in three starts and was particularly disappointing when runner-up here back in February .
20 However its old belfry still stands and was most important to us as we navigated our way south .
21 The Hindus believe also that the universe periodically dissolves and is then recreated .
22 Orcs and Goblins almost overwhelm the remaining Dwarf holds but are finally beaten back at the Battle of Black Water .
23 It is emitted by electrons and positrons as they are guided by magnets on curved paths round synchrotrons , or storage rings as are often used today ( New Scientist , vol 87 , p 305 ) .
24 You see , four of us going up and down twice a day , morning and evening , makes sixteen times altogether , and Mr Evans thinks that 's quite enough traipsing .
25 Perhaps the Prime Minister thinks that is too modest .
26 Think about the mark points that are most likely to be indicated on the map : village churches , tumuli and ‘ castle mounds ’ , stone circles and standing stones , wayside crosses and beacon sites .
27 In this discussion it has been hard to draw the line between issues that are essentially ‘ characteristics of policy ’ that affect implementation , and points that are really observations about the characteristics of either the relationships between central policy makers and local implementers , or of the organization of the implementing agencies .
28 In other words , small flaccid penises tend to expand to a much greater degree than penises that are already quite large when resting , so that both will reach the average erect size of six inches or so .
29 Also it was n't exactly pleasant right here , with a November sharpness in the air that had arrived almost as a response to the Christmas lights and store displays that were just about everywhere now .
30 So horses that are n't fed grain when they are young , may not only grow less than their genetic potential , but may also suffer other disadvantages when they are older .
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