Example sentences of "[vb -s] [conj] [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Now we are trying to make sure the money goes where it should .
2 OSF says the snapshot features sample code of all the various DME component technologies so far announced , but adds that there will be other parts to be tacked-on at a later date .
3 While George Boon rejected the suggestion that the very small coins were votive objects and may thus be found in some quantity on temple sites , he sensibly adds that there could have been a tendency for poor quality coins ‘ to gravitate to these shrines as easily as to the offertory of a country church ’ .
4 He adds that he would be surprised if industry , already hit by the recession , ‘ was not anxious about the prospect of accounting changes , the general effect of which will reduce the opportunities for carrying costs below the line ’ .
5 There is no longer any dichotomy of truth and lies that he can manipulate from midway between the audience and the other characters .
6 The outside world talks of a war crimes tribunal but nobody supposes that anything will come of that .
7 The argument from analogy supposes that you can construct from your own case a concept of pains which can be felt by others rather than by you .
8 Then we decided during one of my hospital visits that we should try again .
9 Although Humphrey emphasises that one can not rule out the possibility of auto workers being a conservative force in the future , he does demonstrate that , at this particular historical-political conjuncture , their militant action provided a catalyst for change for the working class .
10 A later law dealing with landless newcomers , specifies that they should receive half the property , and not two-thirds .
11 ‘ She writes that she will never show the photograph to anybody .
12 His parents will both cry if he writes that he can not come home .
13 Mr. Beloff accepts that there remain issues between Lautro and Winchester and he further accepts that there may be room for argument as to whether the material now available would , if it had been produced before 30 October , have made a difference to the decision taken on that day .
14 I think many feel that if one is going to make the sacrifice that is required in the first place then one accepts that there will be other things one will want one 's child to benefit from — even if it means tightening one 's belt for an extra month . ’
15 Although the British government is firmly convinced that the Channel Tunnel will have little differential regional impact , it accepts that there will be major effects in Kent , particularly in the Channel ports and around Ashford where British Rail is to build a new international passenger station .
16 Peter Ashby in Citizenship , Income and Work ( part II , St George 's House , Windsor , 1989 ) accepts that there will be considerable difficulties in phasing in a guaranteed training place for every long-term unemployed person .
17 His remarks were seen as a sign that the community accepts that there could be a 20- or even 22-member organisation by the end of the 1990s .
18 There 's a little old rhyme about sowing crops which accepts that you ca n't expect the maximum potential from a crop every time — you 've got to allow something for the other occupants of the land and it goes :
19 There are even rare cases when the employer accepts that you might be innocent and yet is entitled to dismiss you .
20 This is because the law accepts that it may not always be in the best interests of a patient to receive further invasive , or aggressive , treatment .
21 Eugene Steuerle of the Urban Institute , who also favours increasing the exemption , accepts that it might take many years to reverse the effects of its shrinkage .
22 He accepts that he can not make a categorical statement about innocence or guilt , but he feels that his constituent has not been given a fair hearing .
23 At the point where Theseus finally accepts that he will never see his son again ( ‘ Je ne te verrai plus ! o juste châtiment ! ’ ,
24 ‘ Because she was premature , as they were pulling at this thing I was thinking , ‘ Do n't touch … ’ , and one worries that something might go wrong , and then there 's this tremendous sense of relief , and elation and exhaustion .
25 When you comfort her , she clings to you , because she worries that you will disappear again .
26 His son has gone off to London , and he worries that he may lose touch with him .
27 We obviously ca n't afford to spend all our time to put demo bands in , but we do offer special rates for demo bands that they can afford . ’
28 If he just wants that he can have it .
29 The screen shivered and cleared as he cut off , which allowed me to offer him a few choice epithets that he could n't hear .
30 ‘ I ca n't see myself doing any better with Sarah and that precious boy of has than I could with Riddle . ’
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