Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 it encourages it encourages them to increase their business as well you see .
2 Many Fine Art graduates take up professional practice as artists , and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty .
3 In all its areas of involvement , LAMP helps to make oppressed and exploited communities aware of their rights , and encourages them to organise themselves to set up comprehensive development programmes .
4 drives me to place myself inside it .
5 Mum encourages me to like my face without make-up .
6 ‘ It angers me to think he is still on remand . ’
7 He has a mordant wit , ‘ t is plain , and it diverts me to teach him our language as he serves me .
8 It moves me playing it and it upsets me playing it , it 's very upsetting to play Alfie , because A he 's such a disastrous man as a person d you know you think oh god I do n't really wan na be playing this man for sixteen weeks but the part is so wonderful and the play is so rich that you ca n't help s sort of s submitting to it and putting yourself in the position of being a masochist I suppose .
9 When God selects individuals for a particular job he also equips them to do it .
10 The little shop had been arranged as what I have seen described as a mini-hypermarket , so I found a basket and busied myself with collecting what supplies I thought I might need for the next couple of days .
11 They clammed up after a bit and would n't show me everything , but he thinks I put it all in the water hoping Harry would get tangled in it . ’
12 Perhaps she thinks I hate her for giving me up . ’
13 At last , I thinks I seeks her problem .
14 She is never punctual or on time in arrangements she makes , and is arrogant , muddling and patronising in the extreme , and quite one of the most utterly tiresome busybody quasi do gooders style people I know , time-consuming , a total joke and nuisance , certainly no threat which is I think how John thinks I view her .
15 He thinks I caught it .
16 ‘ Or will you settle for the fact that he now thinks I find you pretty irresistible ? ’
17 ‘ Travis thinks I stole it . ’
18 He thinks I think I 'm better than him because I 'm doing a science degree and he 's doing Fine Art .
19 And she was saying that 's a right bitch 's such a bitch 's such a bitch and then to she goes I like you but Shavina 's a fucking bitch .
20 Cos she goes erm she goes I told her right and she goes well you 're going to are n't you ?
21 He goes I pick it up in a bag and chuck it out the window !
22 I was going to Grant Development have come here er because they are interested in our views , er I think as far as the access goes I take your point that visibility is required , but I would imagine that that the highways department will have stipulated what is required , as they have indeed for the development next door , er where the hedge , the present hedge is going to be er set back , erm I I ca n't tell you whether , what stipulation has been made , perhaps these two gentlemen
23 And he goes I thought they were taking the micky out of me .
24 Yeah , and he , he 's blind , he ca n't see and he walks round it , and he goes I bet he drinks Carling Black Label
25 And she 's looking in her purse and everything and suddenly she goes I know what it is !
26 yeah he goes I know I am
27 I love the way cos he goes I got something for you and with the ink he goes , oh , alright , and he throws it and and he goes , nice catch !
28 I got a cat trapped up here , right , it was chasing Jones and I goes I got you now , and he jumped over the wall .
29 I 'll see how the weather goes I mean I might hang it out I do n't know .
30 Looks at me and he goes I hate him so much !
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