Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adj] that [art] " in BNC.

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1 But Thomson has rejected the IEE 's offers and it now looks certain that the anniversary will be missed .
2 Despite his insistence that the deal is on schedule , it now looks certain that the offer as it currently stands will not proceed .
3 where a legally aided person fails in an interlocutory matter it often occurs 6 that an order for costs will not be enforced without leave of the court .
4 Up until October 1990 the various National Health Service ( NHS ) Acts prescribed that the Secretaries of State should employ auditors to audit the accounts of all health authorities .
5 Kepler found that the velocity of a planet varies such that the area swept by its arc in a given time is a constant .
6 It seems odd that a man with so much of a reputation for sexual encounters should cringe from public contact , but it was all part of his reserve .
7 But it seems odd that the nut is not the prime product of the tree : apparently the fluid of the cashew apple , quite apart from its inflammatory properties , makes jam , a passable alcoholic beverage , is a lubricant , and insecticide , and finds a use in paints , plastics and car tyres .
8 It seems odd that the Prime Minister should use the same words as us .
9 It seems odd that the coal pfennig has been given the green light by Brussels when we have been continually led to believe that state aid for our coal industry would not be allowed .
10 And so it seems self-evident that the subject of language should also draw on a cognate disciplinary source even though it happens in this case to have the different name of linguistics .
11 For Rolle , because God looks on the heart and not the outward appearance , and judges the will not the deed , it seems self-evident that the contemplative life , seeking to be one with God 's love , must be preferred , because actives are too distracted by what they do .
12 There is no record of the history of this manuscript before it was bought for the British Museum in 1836 , but it appears possible that the Jouglet it contains could be one text forming a bridge between the French fabliaux and the Anglo-Norman .
13 For a people who pride themselves on their love of animals , and considering the age-old human dependence on animals for food and work and as pets , it seems strange that a college to train veterinary surgeons in this country was only established two hundred years ago in response to a plan proposed by a Frenchman .
14 It seems strange that the chancel and tower should be given an earlier date than the nave for it is presumed to have been built during the Bishopric of Haymo , who carried out considerable building at Halling .
15 Because some of the systems that exhibit chaotic behaviour are so simple , it seems strange that the realization that they can behave in this way is only recent .
16 It hardly seems accidental that the extremely imprecise and tentative nature of his proposals allowed the maximum scope for the exercise of political judgement at all levels of the administrative system .
17 On this evidence it seems possible that a large part of the conflict that arose in the administration of the NIRC was the result of a belief of its president that , in industrial conflicts , one side can be discovered , after proper examination by judges , to be ‘ right ’ and the other side ‘ wrong ’ .
18 It seems possible that the extensive exposure to the stimuli experienced by the experimental subjects in the first stage of training might have resulted in a latent inhibition effect that would obscure any other source of transfer .
19 It seems possible that the occurrence of both in they both and related expressions might serve to reinforce the plural grouping which is required by the presence of the pronoun alone .
20 Since then the picture has changed incredibly fast so that now it seems possible that the extinction that took place in Java may be repeated .
21 The earliest known map calls the group ‘ S.Kilda ’ , and in the old Norse language the name ‘ Kelda ’ means ‘ spring ’ or ‘ well ’ , so it seems possible that the islands , which do have a number of freshwater springs , were used as a watering-place by the Vikings when they were involved in their warlike raiding and invasions of the northern parts of Britain .
22 It therefore seems possible that the B20 will be equipped directly with Intel Corp 's P5 chip rather than upgradable 80486 CPUs .
23 It now seems possible that the Abortion Pill , as it 's come to be called , will be available some time next year .
24 Since pretreatment with TPA did not completely destroy histamine stimulated adenylate cyclase activity , it seems possible that the effect of phosphorylation by protein kinase C is to reduce the efficiency of coupling between the receptor and Gs rather than to abolish it completely .
25 But there is another possible kind of explanation , often more powerful , in which some linguistic feature is motivated by principles outside the scope of linguistic theory : for example , it seems possible that the syntactic processes known as island constraints ( Ross , 1967 ) can be explained on the grounds of general psychological principles ( see e.g. Grosu , 1972 ) .
26 Indeed , it seems possible that the sequences of concentric , circular design and rotated linear designs share a common root ; grids of regularly spaced circles .
27 It also seems right that the offence under clause 12(1) , as well as applying to obtaining possession or control without ownership , should apply to obtaining ownership without possession or control .
28 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
29 If it is appropriate for a case to go direct to the House of Lords it seems wrong that a litigant should be able to frustrate what appears to be a proper course .
30 It seems wrong that a few legitimate private railways in Scotland should be disadvantaged by the Bill .
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