Example sentences of "[vb -s] [to-vb] [Wh det] the " in BNC.

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1 The broad guiding principle , attested by many authorities , is that one looks to see what the taxpayer has done to earn the profit in question .
2 Thus Lord Bridge 's guiding principle could properly be expanded to read ‘ one looks to see what the taxpayer has done to earn the profit in question and where he has done it . ’
3 Whatever the nurse staffing arrangements , each one needs to know what the patient has been told and what currently appears to be understood .
4 The therapist needs to know what the main problems are , what caused them , what maintains them , and what possibilities there are for change .
5 The other is that the investigator needs to know what the agent intended by and in performing the action : why this agent played this move in the ‘ game ’ .
6 Although a picture may be worth a thousand words the reader still needs to know what the picture relates to .
7 The company needs to know what the investment must achieve to produce goods which can be sold profitably .
8 It also wants to know what the position of Unix International , which it strongly supports , is going to be .
9 It also wants to know what the position of Unix International Inc , which it strongly supports , is going to be .
10 My mind wants to know what the theft of the Wolvercote Tongue has got to do with the murder of Theodore Kemp .
11 He wants to know what the job of a Euro MP is , well he is applying for a Euro seat , I do wish him the best of luck and when he 's been there
12 Alright , so there 's this interest in what women talk about when they 're by themselves and when Martha comes down , she wants to know what the men have been talking about as well .
13 ‘ The industry wants to know what the hell is going on . ’
14 Little forms if anybody wants to know what the hell
15 Rollins wants to hear what the woman has to say .
16 Any claim to direct acquaintance with God through immediate religious experience has to explain what the experience is experience of Ayer makes this point in discussing what he calls ‘ mysticism ’ .
17 The winner 's the player who amasses enough points to create what the rulebook calls a trance-like state .
18 The real problem is that the Government refuses to accept what the Maastricht Treaty is about .
19 Certainly the crisis over Maastricht is no nearer solution , especially as the Government still refuses to accept what the Treaty is about .
20 It suffices to summarise what the present canons of construction appear to be .
21 It is not fiction , nor is it conventional autobiography , which tends to say what the author wishes us to know .
22 The book — which opens a projected sequence of novels that will cover the period from 1968 to the present day — aims to explore what the blurb describes as ‘ the painful transition from youth to adulthood ’ .
23 It also helps to know what the fish was labelled when you bought it .
24 When Parliament legislates to remedy what the majority of its members at the time perceive to be a defect or a lacuna in the existing law ( whether it be the written law enacted by existing statutes or the unwritten common law as it has been expounded by the judges in decided cases ) , the role of the judiciary is confined to ascertaining from the words that Parliament has approved as expressing its intention what that intention was , and to giving effect to it .
25 When Parliament legislates to remedy what the majority of its members at the time perceive to be a defect or a lacuna in the existing law ( whether it be the written law enacted by existing statutes or the unwritten common law as it has been expounded by the judges in decided cases ) , the role or the judiciary is confined to ascertaining from the words that Parliament has approved as expressing its intention what that intention was , and to giving effect to it .
26 The poem is remarkable for its Gothic horrors and its energy , for example : This is not a ‘ Wordsworthian ’ view of Nature , but it helps to explain what the poet meant when he told us in The Prelude that he was haunted by mysterious ‘ presences ’ during childhood and youth ; The Vale of Esthwaite anticipates The Prelude in other ways — the interest is in the mind of the poet , and the effect of the imagination on landscape .
27 The influence of the semiotic model within psychoanalysis is important but , as we shall see , it is often incorporated into sexual difference theory in a form which manages to exclude what the model is especially sensitive to , namely the way oppositions which constitute meaning are fundamentally binary , yet can not ultimately be contained in and by binary closure even as , in practice , the binary remains a fundamental principle of social and psychic ordering .
28 Text retrieval seeks to interpret what the user says and retrieve the appropriate document from the database .
29 A lady comes to see what the noise is all about .
30 To enable investigation of a plurality of views the modelling framework will be one which is designed to answer counterfactual or ‘ as if ’ questions rather than one which attempts to predict what the position of the economy will be in a number of years .
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