Example sentences of "[vb -s] [det] who do " in BNC.

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1 Job preferment stigmatises those who do not need help , starts a backlash from whites and reinforces the myth of racial inferiority , the most pernicious effect of which is that blacks have believed it as much as whites .
2 It says that recent years have seen a transformation in Britain 's manufacturing base , and it condemns those who do not recognise it and continue to run down the achievements of British industry .
3 Although the area is infrequently visited by walkers and it has a unique cultural heritage and offers those who do visit something special .
4 It prevents those who do neuter their pets from claiming that they are simply responsible citizens who wish to assist in the elimination of starving strays .
5 It is unnecessary as regards persons whom the husband has not by his previous conduct induced to look to him for payment ; it is ineffectual as regards those who do not happen to see the advertisement .
6 I want you to know that God punishes those who do evil .
7 Experience in the laboratory or in the field gives those who do not intend to undertake research as a career the opportunity to learn how their subject has progressed through experiment .
8 It enables those who do n't have time to be volunteers to get involved .
9 ‘ Drop in when you 're passing ’ , they say , but nothing but humiliation faces those who do , and see someone else at the desk that was once their 's and find everyone too busy to chat .
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