Example sentences of "[vb -s] [adv] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 The man who links together his prayer with deeds of duty , and fits seemly actions with his prayer , is the man who prays without ceasing , for his virtuous deeds or the commandments he has fulfilled are taken up as a part of his prayer .
2 This also means that it has been introduced by humans to a lot of places it 's not native to — Indonesian islands , mainly — and it has widely hybridised with the introduced wild boar .
3 The recommendations are similar to comments from Roger Carr , former chairman of the Countryside Commission ( which has since merged with the Nature Conservancy Council to form SNH ) , and John Foster , ex-director of the commission .
4 First seen alongside Neneh Cherry , singing and standing on her head with the early-Eighties cult dance band Rip Rig And Panic , Andrea Oliver has since sung with a variety of outfits and , in between organising and cooking for a weekly night at West London 's Globe club , has recently joined forces with Malcolm Joseph ( previously with soul band Seventh Heaven ) to form new band , Her .
5 Under Article 86 , the Commission has successfully dealt with a number of abuses such as the granting of loyalty rebates ( e.g. Hoffman-la Roche ) , refusals to supply ( e.g. commercial solvents ) , and price discrimination ( Chiquita ) among others .
6 It is rather the kind of causal concomitant of the blow that has wholly to do with internal processes of tissue regeneration .
7 One is driven to the conclusion that here , too , the charge has most to do with symbolism .
8 It has in the past happened that a client has been advised by the agent to amend an order , has entirely agreed with that advice , but has at the same time pointed out that his authority does not extend to giving a final decision , and this can be awkward .
9 Her assurance has obviously come with age and experience , but there is no doubt that her first major public speech marked a turning point .
10 This guitar 's overall colouring has obviously darkened with the passing of over three decades , and the lacquer is now finely cracked over the close-grained spruce top .
11 ‘ Someone has obviously interfered with the neural net .
12 That prospective Tory candidate for Cheltenham John Taylor survived attempts to deselect him has much do with her efforts as local party chairman .
13 Besides the Dresser drawings , the Met 's exhibition features other notable groups of designs , which Johnson has tellingly juxtaposed with similar examples by different ‘ schools ’ : several rug designs by 1920s British designer Eileen Gray are placed near a group of anonymous Bauhaus rug designs which strongly suggest Klee ; fabric patterns by such diverse talents as the American painter Stuart Davis , French couturier Paul Poiret and anonymous masters from the Wiener Werkstatte are remarkably similar , as are finely finished watercolours for furniture by the American L. and J.G. Stickley Company and Swedish designer Erik Gunnar Asplund .
14 A shrewd theologue said that personality has all to do with function .
15 The gentleness and kindness which they preached as the very foundation of its teaching , and as insisted on by Jesus Christ himself , now stands starkly contrasted with the history of cruelty and violence perpetrated over the centuries in the name of Christianity .
16 In retrospect , what I found fascinating at the time ( and this feeling has only increased with time and further thought ) was that all the crew just did what I would have told them had I been able to make contact with them .
17 He moves in with the cunningness and surety of a wild cat which so far has only played with its victims .
18 Cram , who has hardly set the world alight this year with just one win in four races during a campaign disrupted by inevitable calf and hamstring trouble , has only flirted with the odd 5,000m race in the past .
19 But so far , the feminist psychology of androgyny has only dealt with the power of discourses of gender in its self-criticisms , not in its investigations , where it continues to address femininity and masculinity on equal terms .
20 ‘ I arrive home after an absence of four weeks to discover that my nephew , my only sister 's eldest child , has apparently eloped with some teenage siren , to the distress of his parents and the possible detriment of his career .
21 Now when this is all over , and Saddam has got to be stopped , forcibly stopped , when this is over , I believe that there 's got to be no reneging as this country has constantly done with the Arabs ; there has got to be a Middle East conference , and the Israelis said ‘ yes , we agree to your State , but return to your original frontiers or you will get the same treatment as Saddam has got . ’
22 The trouble was that the organ was in a rather awkward situation at the base of the skull , below the inion ( that is , the external occipital protuberance ) , a part of the body which , in most ladies , Nature has thoughtfully cloaked with a fine growth of hair .
23 The sinewy elegance of these figures is unusual , and has perhaps to do with the fact that the Aeginetan sculptors are recorded as preeminent in bronze .
24 The tremendously exciting tussle for the division two title has finally ended with Farnham Central ‘ C ’ finishing up one point ahead of R.A.E .
25 ‘ But Nathan Bryce has just parted with twenty-five thousand pounds in order to have me with him . ’
26 Australian 250 rider David Evelyn has just collided with Cadalora in qualifying and is heading straight for a concrete wall .
27 However , with respect , Mr. Speaker , I have seen your reply in which you said that using the crest of the House of Commons on such material was not an offence , so I hope that you are not referring to that aspect of the issue that the tell-tale Member has just raised with you .
28 I think Liz has written six full-length manuscripts and , and has just lived with rejection sh , slips .
29 Siome news in brief — the fatal accident inquiry into drug deaths in Glasgow has just ended with the sheriff telling the parents of the victim that while he understood their feelings of helplessness and grief , it was n't his function to hold the general inquiry into the misuse of drugs .
30 Consulation on the draft structure plan has just ended with Calverton residents sending in a volume of objections .
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