Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pers pn] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE has been told to turn up at his restaurant at Venice Beach , California at 2.30 pm to tell me his version of the story of his life , then Dudley Moore more or less dudleys into his restaurant at Venice Beach , California and joins me at a corner table where I 've been waiting to hear his story .
2 She wants me at the birth .
3 That shooting The London boxing promoter Mickey Duff said : ‘ The only thing that worries me at the moment is his speedy recovery . ’
4 ‘ However , ’ said Canon Wheeler clearing his throat to indicate that he had n't finished and intended to keep the reins of conversation in his own hands , ‘ what chiefly worries me at the moment is the Old Man 's reaction . ’
5 What worries me at the moment about the proposals is that there is discrimination not only against the United Kingdom but against Europe in the way in which the Commission is carrying out the negotiations with the United States .
6 I 'll go and phone him , put ten P in the phone and he rings me at the phone box .
7 I do n't mind how many times he rings you at the phone box .
8 ‘ Another requirement is firefighting and first aid so my BP training has come in handy , ’ added Robin , whose wife , Denise , now joins him at the track — as a flag marshal .
9 The Chinese believe that to stand on one leg while kicking with the other unbalances the practitioner and places him at a disadvantage .
10 Therapist Julia Blackburn 's heart sinks when someone visits her at The Maidenhead Natural Therapy Clinic and says , ‘ I 've tried a grapefruit diet , a pineapple diet , a very low-calorie diet , and now I 've come to see whether hypnotherapy might work . ’
11 ‘ You do n't see a carpenter saying he wo n't build a house because he does n't like what 's next door and he 's going to wait until there 's a house with 8.3 rooms and the sun has it at a certain angle and then he 'll pound his nails and he wants billing above the plumber . ’
12 A university congregates together that type of personality and places it at the disposal of the succeeding generation .
13 A smith uses a hammer very differently to most tradesmen , never holds it at the bottom of the shaft , for the resulting whip means that power is lost so they always clench the tool near the head .
14 Sometimes he walking round with his marking book and he holds it at an angle you know so you can see all the answers .
15 His name completly eludes me at the moment .
16 A sternfaced Sergeant meets me at the entrance to the big house .
17 One visitor , unimpressed , wrote : ‘ Jet meets you at every turn and in every shape .
18 Every day she meets him at the well , and every day he repeats the same request , till at last she yields .
19 ALAN Healsey 's wife meets him at the back door of their home every night with a dressing gown .
20 Yet the main character says it at every opportunity — that , and ‘ silly old moi ’ .
21 Olivia Durdin-Robertson meets us at the porch , under the protective wing of Horus .
22 Kim meets us at the door wearing a shimmering dress .
23 I mean we 've still got a barren at the back , somebody kicks you at the back on that barren and er in the skeleton that 's exactly like the barren in a monkey 's tail
24 When he greets me at the door , he is still wearing an apron , after ‘ helping out ’ in the attached tea shop which he runs ‘ as a bit of a hobby ’ .
25 The Champ greets me at the door to his mother 's house in Louisville .
26 One always sees them at the airport in Geneva — they 've got a numbered bank account in Switzerland
27 ‘ This current situation is all that concerns me at the moment .
28 Perhaps not though , I seem to fancy every man I meet fancies me at the moment .
29 and we went in and like the vicar greets you at the door do n't he and she was like up to the vicar like , you know , she 's more fucking heavier than thou
30 This was Il Giasone ( 1649 ) which shows him at the height of his powers in the melodious aria with violin imitations ( e.g. Jason 's ‘ Delizie contente ’ , Act I , SC.2 ) , in drama ( e.g. Medea 's conjuration , Act I , sc .
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