Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pers pn] [to-vb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sometimes I know he wants me to do something and usually it 's something I do n't particularly want to do .
2 ‘ He wants me to meet somebody and I 'm not sure I should . ’
3 I suppose I 'd best ring Scottie and see if he wants me to process something about a picture then ?
4 ‘ If anybody wants them to prove anything , they do .
5 ‘ My client wants you to kill someone on Level 121 , ’ he said , low , even though the bartender and anyone else in what might possibly be earshot were making it obvious they were n't listening .
6 ‘ My client wants you to kill someone — ’
7 ‘ Mr P. wants you to do something for him , Sergeant , ’ I whispered .
8 And by your own admission you are broke — and , also by your admission , your mother wants you to marry someone sophisticated , wealthy …
9 He needs you to say something .
10 So the simple answer to our question is that God wants us to find something useful in this passage from His word so that we — people who serve God — or , in the other translations , men and women of God — may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed .
11 Including allies is a good way of expanding your collection , it also allows you to paint something different and still include it in your army .
12 Including allies is a good way of expanding your miniature collection , and it also allows you to paint something different and still include it in your army .
13 Including allies is a good way of expanding your miniature collection , and it also allows you to paint something different and still include it in your army .
14 This is an important qualification ( that doubt is normal only in our abnormal situation ) , but it allows us to appreciate something of the positive side of doubt .
15 Commentary … allows us to say something other than the text itself , but on condition that it is the text itself which is said , and in a sense completed .
16 The dependence of the world upon God is not initial but constant ; built into the structures of reality is an inherent dependence which requires us to posit something else — the designer or the first cause .
17 If you look through it , if my adding up is correct , it requires us to keep something in the order of sixteen separate files on one project .
18 I mean they 've got to understand that when the teacher tells them to do something that
19 When God comes and he asks me to give something , whether it 's my finance , whether it 's my time , whether it 's my , my abilities , whether it 's , even my life itself for him , he only asks because he has already done it .
20 Indeed I am always immensely flattered when somebody a long way down our hierarchy rings me up and asks me to do something which they believe I am in a particularly good position to do .
21 And so when God comes to me and asks me to do something he 's already walked that path before me .
22 He tells you to do something and you do it , no arguing .
23 This prompts you to do something else , namely to work out the relationship between the parts of the list : why all the different sorts of tragedy are all called tragedy , what the historical sequence and links between them are , etc .
24 If he or she asks you to pick something up , assert yourself or defuse the situation but do n't bend down .
25 Now , God never asks us to do something that he does n't do himself .
26 If someone pulls you out the river when you 're half drowning , you just lie on the bank coughing and spluttering , and no one expects you to say anything .
27 As we 've already suggested this is a cost effective solution it is a software only solution and enables us to use lots of erm low cost hardware components .
28 It enables us to remove anything that gets in the way of our relationship with God .
29 Similarly , in order to construct a notion of ‘ genre ’ , it is necessary to generalise across experience and determine what it is that is common to fairy stories , chats , news broadcasts , epic poems , debates or salesmen 's routines which enables us to recognise one as being a token of the generalised type .
30 They follow two lines : either my child commands me to do something , and if I do n't , she insists , and eventually has a tantrum ;
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