Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pers pn] [to-vb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It — it disgusts me to think that I 'd let you kiss me that way . ’
2 Consequently , many people find the unsmiling face of a horse rather expressionless which encourages them to think that horses are virtually emotionless — that they only have two emotions : ears forward , and the horse is happy ; ears back , and he is bad tempered .
3 The great receptivity to the Good News in the United Kingdom today encourages me to believe that a harvest is prepared and yet few bold , denominational plans exist for evangelism and growth .
4 This circumstance encourages me to hope that you may , if you have any opening for such a youth , be willing to take George , who is exceedingly desirous of obtaining the situation — or indeed any situation which through industry and a desire of improvement may hereafter insure a creditable independence ; but , above all things he seems to wish that it may be possible for you to take him into a situation similar to that which was offered to his Brother .
5 On the one hand , the white population needs them to work while , on the other , their presence is resented .
6 Cis wants me to go if I want to .
7 She 's often away , she wants me to go and live in it .
8 ‘ And Liz wants me to go and look after her .
9 She mentioned the blood-groups , wants me to go and see her on Friday .
10 She wants me to go and see her after work tomorrow . ’
11 She wants me to go and see her this evening , after my shift ends . ’
12 For Friend I would — if I only knew what it was that he wants me to do or be .
13 At the end of the story significantly called Youth , a story in which Conrad calls on his own memory of the testing of ardent feelings in critical conditions in describing the last fatal , curtailed voyage of the old Judea , Marlow as narrator , sitting in comfortable middle age among men who , like him , had served an apprenticeship at sea , challenges them to deny that this was the best time of their lives :
14 They should n't walk on the edges as that is what causes them to widen and the erosion to spread .
15 Some horses are naturally more sensitive than others and the rider 's weight causes them to hollow and stiffen .
16 The patrols are expected to react to these , and an umpire accompanies them to see that there is fair play .
17 The old man wants you to know that the lion hunt for the producer fellow … ’
18 He wants you to know that you 've got those and you 've got a fair idea of how much you 're leaving .
19 Now that you are moving away , he wants you to know that you were special and he hopes to return some of the self-esteem that he stole from you .
20 ‘ You 'll know what she wants you to know and no more .
21 Er the Director of Transportation recognises that , it was said that he 's happy to await the outcome of liberations by that er District Council and that 's what the Conservative group has suggested that we do but if he wants you to recognise that every policy has to be accepted , the way in which they have performed time and decided to be addressed by my members of of all parties and therefore I urge you to support the Conservative resolutions I now put forward .
22 He wants you to stay as long as you think necessary .
23 So the parts that you can remember are possibly parts that God really wants you to hear AND do something about !
24 If you truly feel that it is not , then it is probably some inadequacy on the part of your accuser which causes him to think as he does .
25 What the employee wants to know and understand does not necessarily coincide with what the organization needs him to know and understand .
26 v. Lindley Lord Reid said , ‘ A case where a defendant presents to the plaintiff the alternative of doing what the defendant wants him to do or suffering loss which the defendant can cause him to incur is not necessarily in pari casu and may involve questions which can not arise where there is intimidation of a third person . ’
27 Jamie wants him to succeed but will try his best to make him fail .
28 He has been working very long hours setting up in business here in er in this area er he gets home late at night and I 'm afraid to say that over the last few months he 's been nagged continuously by his girlfriend who wants him to try and sort out financial arrangements because the relationship between the two of them 's not been very good .
29 Along zones of plate convergence , especially where these occur along the margins — of continents ( such as along the west coast of South America ) , buckling of the oceanic lithosphere causes it to founder and sink into the underlying asthenosphere , thereby forming a subduction zone .
30 your car is damaged while it is parked and unattended or a motor trader has it to service or repair it ; or
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