Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is essential therefore , that you identify and appreciate the historian 's viewpoint , follow the individual steps in his arguments and pinpoint the specific reasons he offers for his views .
2 I also associate myself with his kind remarks about his predecessor , my good friend and colleague George Buckley .
3 Under fire from referees for his comments as a defence witness at Salisbury Crown Court last week , Kelly retorted : ‘ When someone is facing a prison sentence and all the immediate trauma that it involves for his family , I believe the sensitivities of referees should come second rather than first . ’
4 I 'M HERE , BOSS : Bryan 's assistant Julia goes about her work yesterday
5 In general , we seem to be pleased with the way it goes about its work , and many like to feel that we can contribute ideas as well as money .
6 Anyway , in the present context , it serves to characterize two different personal via : one achieves its clarities by way of charitas , the other goes about its business blind , achieves its clarities by way of what you might call confusio .
7 With their many variants and subdivisions they provide a wonderfully expressive earful for the alert feline as it goes about its business .
8 In addition to the familiar tail-wagging of a cat in a conflict , there are a number of other tail-signals that indicate the changing moods of the pet feline as it goes about its business .
9 So when expansion plans were announced several years ago , notwithstanding the restraint with which the library goes about its business , there was some cause for alarm .
10 But beyond all this , Malham goes about its business of being a living Dales village , with its farms and farmers , its village hall and little shops , very much in the way it has always done .
11 The advantage of that would be that if the private sector does have things to offer in the way of better labour practices , better marketing ideas , then these will be copied by the B R system and in Sweden it 's quite evident that although very few franchises have gone to the private sector , it has had a quite drastic effect on the way in which the state railway goes about its business .
12 To get the best out of the situation both sides must try to understand how the other man goes about his work , what his problems are and how you can best communicate with him to your own advantage .
13 She is resting her garlanded head on the fingertips of a red-gloved hand , inserting the large , crystal-clear dildo with the other , her crimson mouth parted and blue-mascara 'd eyes half-shut in rapturous delight as the devoted Koons goes about his business .
14 Norman , whose scintillating final round wiped out a five-shot deficit , added : ‘ He is great to play with because he goes about his business in his own way .
15 During its setup , it detects any sound drivers you have installed — you need Windows 3.1 or better to run it and 286 users will , I 'm afraid , miss out on all of this , since you need a 386sx or better in order to run Windows 3.1 in enhanced mode — so that when Johnny goes about his business you hear his grunts and groans the screech of seagulls , the lapping of the waves and so on .
16 The number of particles in the baby universe will be equal to the number of particles that have fallen into the black hole , plus the number of particles that the black hole emits during its evaporation .
17 As Mr Scicluna pointed out , ‘ If you turn a committee into a faculty , it gives it a new lease of life , a breath of fresh air , and it thinks about its role a bit more purposefully , as we have already seen from the Tax Faculty . ’
18 The first is through the ways in which Chas thinks about his parents , often stream-of-consciousness fashion , in their absence .
19 But , to return to Shneidman and Farberow 's ‘ psychosemantic fallacy ’ , ‘ We believe that this confusion or ambiguity may indeed occur whenever the individual thinks about his death , whether by suicide or otherwise .
20 The historical record over a few cycles of objective setting and reviewing is a means of evaluating the progress of the follower on the sound basis of how he thinks about his job and how he carries it out .
21 The process of identifying and defining the target group , and the research required to do this , will usually have provided a lot of information , too , about how the consumer thinks about our brand .
22 As he is a very busy person he begs for your report to be in note form listing the public to be reached and the media you select .
23 But even then the East End of London could not have represented the rest of the country ; and even he plays for our pity , opening with a classic portrait of poverty and deprivation .
24 If for instance erm Fred Bloggs at the end of the office is sick on Friday he turns off his P C at lunchtime and goes home and we do the software upgrade during the afternoon on Friday , then his P C wo n't get the upgrade to the software because we 're sending it down the network .
25 This would stop , say , Sears putting on a Prime Option Visa card its own store account numbers or numbers for other financial services that it offers through its Dean Witter subsidiary .
26 Martha clangs about her business , her hair dragged into a tight bun , a bustle behind her and keys at her waist .
27 In Mike Fox 's picture 673 goes through her paces on the Edinburgh Suburban Line .
28 Banks , yes you deal with banks and er they know a lot about your affairs because you 've got your bank account and it goes through their hands and the know all about that .
29 The computer goes through its list of 7000 engineers and site workers , classified into five groups depending on location and qualifications , and decides how many to call .
30 A tai chi chuan practitioner goes through his routine beside the calm and serenity of a lake , practising the steps of the short form of the exercise .
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