Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The multimedia hardware industry has for long recognised the vital importance of these tools .
2 Dick Fletcher who runs New Media , one of Europe 's leading CD-I development companies , has for long suggested a simple rule of thumb for deciding whether a device is a computer or an appliance .
3 The ice mantle has for long overlapped the edges of the continent , unable to grow bigger without breaking off .
4 Well camouflaged stick insects , whose concealment has for once failed to work and who are about to be snapped at by a hungry predator , will suddenly flick open their brightly coloured wings in a dramatically unexpected display that may shock the enemy into retreat .
5 Nothing she said , just a way she has of slightly turning and doing something else and not replying as quickly as she might .
6 Central government in the UK has of late tended to place greater emphasis on the criteria of local tax perceptibility and accountability .
7 Just looks like just looks like toffee and they just roll it like that and then do it like that .
8 Fashions in dress and diet , ceremonies and customs , art and architecture , engineering and technology , all evolve in historical time in a way that looks like highly speeded up genetic evolution , but has really nothing to do with genetic evolution .
9 The bedroom lock is insecure and only one hot tap on a swivel trickles into both bath and basin .
10 The next category is the electromagnetic force , which interacts with electrically charged particles like electrons and quarks , but not with uncharged particles such as gravitons .
11 The danger lies in not recognising it , or in attempting to deny it to ourselves .
12 The problem lies in how to account for this , to the Western observer , astonishing phenomenon .
13 It just drops in there does n't it , hanging
14 Twice a week she vengefully looks in here to dust the place , and dirty all the dishes , and worry the bed .
15 In the leader column last week , on the same day Young Group 's shares were suspended , the newspaper felt sufficiently confident of Mr Young 's expertise to write : ‘ He is a man who has until recently made a great success of his business and it would be sad for the North-East if he did not continue to have a part to play . ’
16 This phenomenon in individual psychopathology has an exact and illuminating parallel in early agricultural societies which has until recently gone unnoticed .
17 Most of this has until recently come from a grant from the CTC , but that has now been reduced to £300 .
18 Most of this has until recently come from a grant from the CTC , but that has now been reduced to £300 .
19 Most of this has until recently come from a grant from the CTC , but that has now been reduced to £300 .
20 Despite widespread agreement that opencast coal mining is among the most environmentally destructive activities carried out in Wales , the Government has until recently tried to increase output from this method .
21 History , in short , say the proponents of this first theory , has until now discouraged the Greeks from learning the proper relationship between the citizen and the democratic state .
22 Ten-years old Data Connection has until now kept a low profile , selling portable versions of IBM 's Systems Network Architecture ( SNA ) technology to the likes of Control Data , Hewlett-Packard , ICL , Norsk Data , Northern Telecom , Prime ( deceased ) , Wang and even to IBM itself — though it wo n't say exactly what .
23 Because making the material itself is a lot harder than turning it into a rudimentary bomb , it is the tight control of plutonium and uranium that has until now restricted the spread of nuclear weapons .
24 Concern about ozone depletion has until now centred on its effects on humans , for instance through increased skin cancers .
25 Using fleece covers to completely cover a crop down to the ground will significantly improve water retention by the soil .
26 So er that has to just wait now until the next meeting .
27 You see , so he has to just plug it into the wall .
28 To be able to add this latest accreditation to what may already be a substantial collection of brandings and certifications , a vendor has to successfully complete a set of tests and checks , buy a distribution source licence for the specific OSF technology , and agree to a royalty structure for products shipped under the certification seal .
29 Young otters do not like the water and quite often , mum has to forcibly shove the reluctant infant into the river for its first lesson !
30 It left her with a great admiration for the contemplatives , even if God still has to forcibly take her by the scruff of the neck and put tier in a position where she has no option but to be still on occasion .
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