Example sentences of "[vb -s] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He is n't seen much , and nobody thinks about him much .
2 Howard smiles , and frowns , and thinks about it seriously as they all have tea in the orchard , and Miriam , in her dark glasses and clothes for motoring out to the country in , smokes furiously to keep away the insects , and chatters on about what happened when they went to dinner with the Chases the previous week , and Michael Wayland forgot Prue 's name .
3 Neither of you thinks about anything really except the other .
4 ‘ That goes for me too , ’ Ace said .
5 Love from Uncle Willie and that goes for him too . ’
6 If you stare at a Rottweiler it thinks you are challenging it and goes for you immediately , knocking you down and tearing your throat out .
7 Sonja sighs and looks through them again .
8 she said that wished she 'd er , he 'd been able to come , I think , I do n't , I think she worries about him too much , too much
9 The ego is , as we have seen , principally the executive agency of the personality and has as its most characteristic attribute control of voluntary movement .
10 This garden ( protected from the road on one side by huge , untidy gum trees , in a permanent state of reptilian slough , leaving the discarded bark hanging from the newly emerged , silvery trunks ) has for me so powerful a charm because it returns me to my childhood , with a complete collection of odours , insects , fragrances , ponds and over-vigorous plants .
11 Is it allegorical ( i.e. each character or event in the passage stands for something else in a parallel story ) ?
12 The petrochemical refinery stands for something else " .
13 Basil Cottle stands for something very important in , and to , Bristol University : unyielding scholarship , a devotion to excellence in teaching , and a gift for friendship — and an ability to see the funny side of life .
14 ‘ He seems to care about her and , like it or not , Ana cares about him too , ’ Maggie said miserably .
15 ‘ Who cares about anything now anyhow ? ’ he demanded .
16 Let's hope he or she cares about you enough to say , ‘ You know you should have called me earlier-you must have been holding this in for days ! ’
17 But what is perhaps more surprising about this scene , which has about it so much of the " well-made play " , is that its form is a purely musical conception , with a closed key structure , a carefully placed recapitulation , balanced episodes and a definite coda and conclusion .
18 We have yet to learn that form counts for something even in the holiest adoration of the heart . ’
19 No Peter wants about them finally closing his business down .
20 She wrote back to him careful little letters to which no one could object , fearing to display too much emotion in case it called attention to the boy 's over-regard for her but she managed all the same to make her affection felt , telling him : — Pilade looks for you everywhere and will not believe I have not hidden you in a box .
21 He does sometimes get into a ‘ delayed ’ mood where he thinks he has more time than he does … the reason for the square/back passes I reckon is noone moves into space for him or looks for it up front .
22 That seems to me to be a very moving description of somebody who is preaching to people , not from any sense of superiority , but rather from a sense of human concern and caring about the people that she is addressing , and this makes the way in which George Eliot writes about her very different from the way in which other methodist preachers have been described either as ranters , erm or as people who are so caught up in what they are saying themselves that the fail to make any pay any attention to the people that they are addressing .
23 He writes about it in unforgettably dramatic terms and with the sublime egoism ( to use the word purely , with no pejorative sense ) of a man alone with God .
24 While applauding the women of anger , Miki was worried that it might mean that anyone who writes about anything less traumatic and violent is considered to be less important .
25 Most outstanding of all was Jenny Quayle , as Viola , who searches for her long lost twin brother in Illyria .
26 Agnes turned away from her sister and there was a sad note in her voice as she said , ‘ He cares for me merely because I 'm useful to him , that 's all .
27 So he is not particularly after a physical relationship , but someone who loves and cares for him alone , Miranda , however , thinks his reason is that ‘ his pleasure is keeping me prisoner .
28 She cares for them so much , that she even sold her home to help set up a sanctuary to look after them .
29 ‘ Seb , you 've already helped her more than anyone else — more than any of her own people have — but right now she needs someone who understands Romany ways , and someone who cares for her too .
30 I know where she was and I know the woman looks after her well . ’
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