Example sentences of "[vb -s] [that] people [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This report concludes that people with IBS are prone to chronic illness behaviour and that this is learned .
2 The Chancellor complains that people with an income of £500 per week will pay more tax under Labour .
3 Our survey shows that people with bank accounts are much more likely than others to shop around for credit , and to use lower-cost forms of credit .
4 It reveals that people in Whinney Banks and Hardwick are less likely to co-operate with police than in the county as a whole .
5 This legislation requires that people for the first thirteen weeks that they are unemployed have the right to look for a job which they have experience in and enjoy doing , but after 13 weeks they are required to take any job that comes along .
6 It seems that people with a history of schizophrenia may also have some difficulty in ignoring irrelevant stimuli ( such as other distracting flashing lights ) , and therefore in maintaining concentration .
7 That sounds fine but in practice it means that people from black and ethnic groups get a raw deal because their particular problems are seldom acknowledged .
8 This ‘ death by bread alone ’ concept means that people in the West have lost sight of spiritual and eternal values and now only perceive material and temporal aims .
9 It 's scandalous , scandalous , that means that people in this country have got no privacy at all .
10 This implies that people at work operate as robots , devoid of emotional involvement with one another .
11 Yet the fact remains that people for whom all other comforts are provided in residential institutions are still largely neglected as regards sexual need .
12 My Bill proposes that people in receipt of this benefit and in receipt of poll tax benefit , invaliditity benefit , long-term sickness benefit , the severe disablement allowance , and mobility and attendance allowances should be exempt from prescription charges .
13 Indeed , the Stamford Taurus might have been formed by early Mycenean settlers , as a representation of a Mycenean dagger carved into Stonehenge proves that people of that race were in Britain at the time .
14 He argues that people in contemporary societies are increasingly obliged to depend on ‘ markers of ethnicity ’ as a means of identifying who they are and where they belong .
15 Unlike Hobbes , Locke believes that people under an absolute authority are not really in civil society ; effectively they are still in a state of nature , for they may need to defend their rights against that authority .
16 The equal opportunities/human rights lobby believes that people with special needs have a right to participate fully at all levels of education on a par with their peers who do not have special needs .
17 Although the teachers ' guide to the curriculum concedes that people who are close to a nuclear blast ‘ probably would be killed or seriously injured ’ , it predicts that people in ‘ fringe ’ areas ‘ have a good chance of surviving it ’ by diving into the fallout shelter and emerging in ‘ a week or two ’ .
18 The New Testament teaches that people without God are destined for what Dante called ‘ the inferno ’ .
19 Everybody knows that people in Barbados are just crazy about cricket .
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