Example sentences of "[was/were] away [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You know he used to see to a lot of our meals , and see that we were away to school and such-like . ’
2 They have claimed that Sarah and Jane were barely troubled by the divorce as they were away at school , that Charles , aged four , was too young to understand while Diana , then seven , reacted to the break up with ‘ the unthinking resilience of her age ’ or even regarded it as ‘ fresh excitement ’ in her young life .
3 When Frances arrived at her new home , to be followed weeks later by her children and their nanny , she had every hope that the children would be relatively unaffected by her marital breakdown , especially as Sarah and Jane were away at boarding-school .
4 ‘ You were away at college .
5 But while the men were away at war , the rule was relaxed .
6 One week of Michael 's month in hospital , Shanti and Chris were away on holiday , but Sara stayed with me all that week .
7 They were like a pair of burglars , he thought , making free of someone 's house while the owners were away on holiday .
8 Mr McEvoy 's wife , Carol , was out at the time , and the couple 's two daughters were away on holiday .
9 ‘ They owned this kind of enclave on the coast just outside Ajaccio — like a kind of tourist village — that 's where they kept the women , really , while they were away on business .
10 Five were away on business .
11 The children were away over Mothering Sunday ; they could not send cards to their mothers .
12 They were away from home for six weeks and in that time covered thousands of miles , made over forty flights , attended a multitude of receptions , galas and banquets and shook more hands in walkabouts than could ever be counted .
13 I did n't know you were away from home .
14 There were also other things such as places where people were away from home — the Plain Clothes could have as many as twenty or thirty places where people were away from home , and he was expected to pay attention and he would have to go round and visit them all .
15 There were also other things such as places where people were away from home — the Plain Clothes could have as many as twenty or thirty places where people were away from home , and he was expected to pay attention and he would have to go round and visit them all .
16 Around three thousand letters and cards were sent to the children while they were away from home in a campaign resembling those organised by Amnesty for political prisoners .
17 They were the only ones allowed through in the five weeks the children were away from home .
18 Our own hardships palled to insignificance when we learned that often their ships were away from home for six months , and that they could be roaming as far afield as Nova Scotia after leaving Scotland .
19 Mrs Garvey 's parents , who live near Droitwich in Worcs , were away from home this afternoon .
20 Probably all three of them were away from court at the time of the murder : Waddo was certainly in the retinue of Chilperic 's daughter Rigunth , who was en route for Spain , where she was to have been married .
21 And I think where where youngsters were away from school that was a greater reason for them to be at home , to look after home , whilst their parents were ill or if probably one of the other kids were off ill or something like that you see , because in most families there was what three and four children .
22 Come the summer holiday which was August Bank holiday , for this I think we were away from school a month .
23 Glaxo Group Research says it does not have a career break scheme because it believes that ‘ it would be too difficult for our scientists to keep up with the pace of change if they were away from work for an extended period ’ .
24 We spent two months in Cairo , living in the western suburb of Shafeyeen in an apartment rented from a French teacher who was away on home leave in Normandy .
25 On 30 July , while Brook was away on holiday , Bridges sent Murrie the note of his conversation of 26 July with Attlee , adding , ‘ It all sounds to me frightfully reminiscent of proposals which have been made before and , I think , discussed . ’
26 Once I remember having to work the switchboard when one of the girls was away on holiday — awful — I kept cutting people off .
27 I passed my June copy to a friend who lives in Norfolk feeling sure I would be able to replace it but without success , and I was away on holiday for the August copy .
28 Up till now , anyone who was away on holiday when an election was held lost the right to vote , and some people who were away because of their work lost their vote too .
29 Both Martin ( jolly hockey sticks ) Hunter and John ( large centre parting ) Richard were brought in due to the absence of Neil Wise , our area sales manager who was away on holiday .
30 The Marquis was away on holiday at the time .
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