Example sentences of "[was/were] under no [noun] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 Indeed , I would go further and conclude that at least in relation to the last three payments the plaintiffs were not under a mistake of law but were strongly of the view that they were under no liability to pay .
2 He accepted that the complainants were under no misapprehension about the nature of the acts they had engaged in .
3 The whole point is , Chairman , the planning officers , both at the site inspection and when it was discussed er er er they were under no misapprehension that it was the height of the building which had been objected to actually .
4 So , for example , women were under no obligation to circumcise their sons ( Kidd .
5 They were under no obligation to employ any of the prize-winners , who should be ‘ fully satisfied by the payment to them of the liberal premiums awarded to them ’ , and they considered that it would be ,
6 The first was that , as Hall had told the architects he had met before the competition , the Government were under no obligation to employ any of the successful competitors .
7 If either of them did nothing ( and they were under no obligation to do anything ) , then they will no doubt be accused of failing in their duty .
8 The distinction between the cases is that the Hydraulic Power Co. were empowered by statute to supply water for industrial purposes , that is , they had permissive power but not a mandatory authority , and they were under no obligation to keep their mains charged with water at high pressure , or at all .
9 Third parties were under no obligation to provide voluntary assistance , and section 2 of the Criminal Justice Act 1965 only required material evidence to be handed over .
10 But the villagers regarded the new name as no more than a foreigner 's eccentric fancy which they were under no obligation either to use or recognise .
11 The argument was that in this instance , the police were under no obligation to assist a person to eject a trespasser from his premises , and hence were not acting in the execution of their duty when the constable was assaulted .
12 Lord Hope did not accept the first submission on behalf of the pursuers , which was to the effect that when the completed application form was sent to the building society the pursuers had accepted an offer made by the society to consider the application , as , unlike in Hunter v General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Co , 19O9SC ( HL ) 3O , the building society in the present case had not given any undertaking to consider the application and were under no obligation to do so .
13 They were under no illusions that they could do a better job from Detroit , but they had become increasingly concerned that they were getting out of touch with what was happening around the world , and that the tail was beginning to wag the dog .
14 They were under no illusions .
15 But there were many who were under no illusion that the victory had been won and the tide had turned .
16 While the domination of the criminal market was well known within the profession nothing was done for two main reasons : first , solicitors were making a handsome living and were under no pressure to find or create alternative sources of income : and second , there appeared to be no way in which these cartels could be broken by ethical means :
17 Lord Donaldson ruled that Mr Hurd , in deciding whether to issue a directive , and in deciding its terms , was free to take account of the terms of the European Convention , but was under no obligation to do so .
18 At this stage , the Prospect would be anxious to establish that he was under no obligation .
19 In proceedings against him by the Attorney-General it was held in the Court of Appeal that the charge was unlawful and that the defendant was under no obligation to pay it .
20 If the Secretary of State went beyond the bounds of ‘ guidance ’ he exceeded his powers ; and the Civil Aviation Authority was under no obligation to obey him .
21 But the cyclist was under no obligation to give the constable his name and address , and although the constable is perfectly at liberty to ask his questions , the citizen is under no obligation to answer them .
22 Lady Merchiston was under no obligation to bestow her property except as she saw fit . ’
23 Therefore the buyer was under no obligation to buy it .
24 The court ruled , however , that the Cabinet had the ultimate power of decision under the ISA and was under no obligation to produce evidence in support of its decisions .
25 It was held that he was not a trustee of the money for the brewers and therefore he was under no obligation to deal with it in a certain way .
26 Mr Sproat pointed out that currently BR was under no compulsion to make concessions but did so because it made obvious economic sense .
27 ‘ Smith , awarded the Player of the Month trophy before the game , was under no pressure when he turned Wainwright 's cross into his own net . ’
28 The defence has also succeeded where the employee was under no pressure to take a particular risk but deliberately chose a dangerous method of working .
29 When I took over at the Department of Health and Social Security , I was under no illusion about the difficulty of my job .
30 He was under no illusion about the management types : ‘ They act a part and in the end the part becomes them ! ’
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