Example sentences of "[was/were] both a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Few realized that Depailler and Hunt were both a lap down on Andretti .
2 The attitude of the airport guard , and the careless banter of the cab driver were both a sign of the times and the rot which seemed to have set in .
3 Full-time football and a career at a more glamorous club were both a matter of time .
4 It was both a defence of translation of the Bible and an assertion of the loyalty of the Reformers to the state .
5 The approach adopted by the Board and its parent bodies was both a response to the Crick recommendations and acceptable to the appropriate institutes for exemption and to the employers .
6 Le Destin des Malou ( The Fate of the Malous ) , for example , begins with the mysterious suicide of Eugene Malou , a bankrupt businessman , and the rest of the novel is concerned with his younger son 's discovery that his father was both a crook and , as one of his criminal friends puts it , ‘ a man .
7 It was both a question and a statement and we both smiled , for we both knew the answer .
8 If Shakespeare showed little inclination to control the condition of his plays ' textual printing , he was both a part owner of the company which produced them and was himself a director of that company .
9 In 1960 , when Gen Noriega was both a cadet at an elite military academy in Peru and a spy-in-training for the US Defence Intelligence Agency , he was detained for allegedly raping and savagely beating a prostitute .
10 His employer , Oscar Godolphin , was one of the eleven to whom the flame of Roxborough 's intent had been passed , though of all of them surely none was so perfect a hypocrite as Godolphin , who was both a member of a Society committed to the repression of all magical activity , and the employer ( Godolphin would have said owner ) of a creature summoned by magic in the very year of the tragedy that had brought the Society into being .
11 It acknowledged that education was both a consumption and investment .
12 Washington , indeed , was both a statesman and a military leader .
13 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
14 Germans now are Europeans in a way they were not before , and indeed the demand of East Germans that they be allowed to be Europeans , with the same wide-ranging and unquestioned rights to travel , study , and residence as the rest of us was both a catalyst and an indication of how much things have changed .
15 As Bishop Thomas Brinton of Rochester said when preaching at the time of the Black Prince 's death in the summer of 1376 , it was part of a knight 's duty to help his king in time of war ; failure to do so meant loss of the right to be called a knight , which was both a sign of honour and a mark of responsibility which had to be lived up to .
16 In the act of decoration there was both a love ritual and a death ritual .
17 But his appointment as steward of the royal household in November 1318 was both a snub to Lancaster , who claimed the right of appointment , and a mark of his growing association with Hugh le Despenser the younger [ q.v. ] , the chamberlain of the household and the rising star at court .
18 In this , there was both a narrowing of vision of what higher education had to offer and a compartmentalism of that offering .
19 There was both a majority and a minority report , and the latter provided a well argued critique of the system .
20 Experimentalism was both a rediscovery and a quest for new .
21 BELOW : Lovedays Mill at Painswick during the 18th century was both a fulling and grist mill .
22 The plaintiff , who was both a director and a forty per cent shareholder , had the company wound up after being removed from his directorship by the majority shareholders .
23 After having been an interloper in the East India trade in 1696 , he was a major investor in the ‘ new ’ East India flotation of 1698 , and was both a director of the company and manager for the united East India trade over the years 1699–1708 .
24 It was both a health resort and a winter retreat for the rich and influential of the day .
25 It was also generally believed that , while good works could never of themselves merit salvation , the leading of a saintly life was both a consequence and a sign of one 's elect status .
26 ‘ We were criticised in '91 for our lack of marketing expertise … that was both a disappointment and a learning experience ’ , reflected Rowlands in Catania .
27 Everyone in the developed countries around 1970 or so knew that there was both a baby bust and an education explosion going on ; half or more of the young people were now staying in school beyond high school .
28 Part 5 considered two contending theories of perversion and homosexuality , one deriving from psychoanalysis , the other from anthropological , sociological , and historical perspectives , in which Foucault 's History of Sexuality was both a culmination and a new departure .
29 This was both a matter of pride and of business sense at a time when he was making a major export drive towards America .
30 By s.24 goods are stolen for the purposes of handling if any one or four conditions is fulfilled : ( a ) they have been stolen contrary to s.1 ; ( b ) they have been obtained by deception contrary to s.15 ; ( c ) they have been obtained by blackmail contrary to s.21 ; ( d ) they have been subject to an act done in a foreign country which was both a crime in that country and had it occurred in England , would have been theft , obtaining by deception , or blackmail in this country .
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