Example sentences of "[was/were] not that the " in BNC.

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1 It was not that the animal was hungry .
2 It was not that the folk of London were more pious than those of San Gimignano — both evidently shared in their way in the popular religious revivals of this age ; nor that they were less gentrified .
3 It was not that the family did not make her comfortable or spare any expense to see that she had the clothes and servants she needed , but rather that she found their way of life , their attitudes , their conversation , humour , tastes and ideas completely alien to everything she was used to .
4 It was not that the Americans rose against Spain ; it was that Spain fell away from America .
5 The immediate cause of the split was the constitutional changes taking place in the Labour Party ; it was not that the Gang of Four and their sympathizers objected to reforms which improved internal party democracy , but they opposed the particular type of reform which was designed to strengthen the position of Left-wing elements in the Labour movement .
6 It was not that the mines were not producing for between 1564–1570 metal to the value of £31,167 was sold , but even this did not cover the operating costs .
7 It was not that the athletes who won in 1924 were any less determined or committed in their approach .
8 One historian has written that the criticism was not that the charges were too high , but that there were any at all and has explained the opposition to fixed charges as conservative reaction to a money economy in which one paid for services rendered .
9 It was not that the wives and children of hand-loom weavers did not work .
10 But the reason that US business was investing so much in Europe and elsewhere was not that the United States could run a balance of payments deficit financed by borrowing from central banks overseas .
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